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@MapboxCI MapboxCI released this 03 Oct 23:49
· 2718 commits to master since this release

Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v4.5.0-alpha.2:

Styles and rendering

  • Fixed an issue where fill and line layers would occasionally flicker on zoom (#12982)

User location

  • Added -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewUserLocationAnchorPoint:] to customize the position of the user location annotation.. (#12907)
  • Marked -[MGLMapView setUserLocationVerticalAlignment:] as deprecated. Use -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapViewUserLocationAnchorPoint:] instead. (#12907)
  • Added the -[MGLMapView updateUserLocationAnnotationView] and -[MGLMapView updateUserLocationAnnotationView:animated:] methods to update the position of the user location annotation between location updates. (#12907)
  • Fixed an issue where the user location annotation was positioned incorrectly when the map view had a left or right content inset. (#12907)

Offline maps

  • Fixed an issue where some tiles weren't rendered correctly when no internet connectivity was available (#12931)

Other changes

  • Added MGLAltitudeForZoomLevel and MGLZoomLevelForAltitude to public API for conversion between zoom levels and altitudes. (#12986)
  • Deprecated the +[MGLMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:fromDistance:pitch:heading:] method in favor of +[MGLMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:altitude:pitch:heading:] and +[MGLMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:acrossDistance:pitch:heading:]. (#12966)
  • Fixed an issue where +[MGLMapCamera cameraLookingAtCenterCoordinate:fromEyeCoordinate:eyeAltitude:] created a camera looking from the wrong eye coordinate. (#12966)
  • Added an MGLMapCamera.viewingDistance property based on the existing MGLMapCamera.altitude property. (#12966)
  • Fixed an issue where symbols from the events library could be duplicated when the maps SDK was used in conjunction with another Mapbox framework. (#13008)

To install this prerelease via CocoaPods, point your Podfile to either of these URLs:

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.