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@fabian-guerra fabian-guerra released this 22 Jun 21:06
· 5311 commits to master since this release

Changes since Mapbox iOS SDK v3.6.0-beta.3:


  • Fixed an issue preventing the MGLShapeSource.shape property from taking effect immediately. (#9303)
  • Fixed the behavior of composite functions that specify fractional zoom level stops. (#9289)

User interaction

  • If the user taps on the map while it is flying to the user’s location, the user dot no longer appears in the incorrect location. (#7916)
  • -[MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:shouldChangeFromCamera:toCamera:] can now block any panning caused by a pinch gesture. (#9344)

Other changes

  • Added a Hungarian localization. (#9347)
  • Added struct boxing to MGLCoordinateSpan, MGLCoordinateBounds, MGLOfflinePackProgress, and MGLTransition. (#9343)

To install this prerelease via CocoaPods, point your Podfile to either of these URLs:

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.