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Releases: mapbox/mapbox-gl-native-ios


27 Aug 23:10
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ios-v6.2.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v6.1.0:

✨ New features

  • Added MGLLocationManager.accuracyAuthorization to check the level of accuracy the app is allowed to support. (#361)
  • Added [MGLLocationManager requestTemporaryFullAccuracyAuthorizationWithPurposeKeyproperty:] to allow developers request just-in-time full-accuracy permissions. (#361)
  • Added [MGLLocationManagerDelegate locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization:] to let MGLMapView know about privacy changes. (#376)
  • Added [MGLMapViewDelegate mapView:didChangeLocationManagerAuthorization:] to allow developers adjust their apps to privacy settings changes. (#376)
  • Added an approximate user location halo when MGLLocationManager.accuracyAuthorization is set to CLAccuracyAuthorizationReducedAccuracy. (#381)
  • The MGLAccuracyAuthorizationDescription as element of NSLocationTemporaryUsageDescriptionDictionary Info.plist key can now be set to describe why you request accuracy authorization. (#392)

To install this pre-release via a dependency manager, see our CocoaPods or Carthage instructions.

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.


26 Aug 23:29
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Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v6.0.0:

  • Added the MGLStyle.accessiblePlaceSourceLayerIdentifiers property to cause VoiceOver to read aloud certain layers in MGLVectorTileSources as places, the same way that certain layers in the Mapbox Streets source are already read aloud as places. (#336)

  • Added MGLObserver, MGLObservable and MGLEvent to monitor events from the map view. (#358)

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.


21 Aug 21:54
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ios-v6.1.0-beta.2 Pre-release

Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v6.1.0-beta.1:

  • Added the MGLStyle.accessiblePlaceSourceLayerIdentifiers property to cause VoiceOver to read aloud certain layers in MGLVectorTileSources as places, the same way that certain layers in the Mapbox Streets source are already read aloud as places. (#336)

  • Added MGLObserver, MGLObservable and MGLEvent to monitor events from the map view. (#358)

To install this pre-release via a dependency manager, see our CocoaPods or Carthage instructions.

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.


07 Aug 20:20
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ios-v6.1.0-beta.1 Pre-release

Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v6.1.0-alpha.1:

  • Updated the gl-native dependency to 3.0.0-rc.1. (#367)

To install this pre-release via a dependency manager, see our CocoaPods or Carthage instructions.

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.


07 Aug 18:54
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ios-v6.1.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v6.0.0:

  • Added the MGLStyle.accessiblePlaceSourceLayerIdentifiers property to cause VoiceOver to read aloud certain layers in MGLVectorTileSources as places, the same way that certain layers in the Mapbox Streets source are already read aloud as places. (#336)

  • Added MGLObserver, MGLObservable, and MGLEvent to monitor events from the map view. (#358)

To install this pre-release via a dependency manager, see our CocoaPods or Carthage instructions.

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.


16 Jul 20:40
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Release v6.0.0 updates the Mapbox Maps SDK for [iOS/Android] to use a pre-built GL Native binary rather than building from source as a submodule dependency. GL Native is changing some of its development workflows to build some Mapbox platform-specific features internally, similar to Chrome/Chromium development. Please refer to the and/or for guidance.

This major release does not include any breaking changes to public APIs. We are treating this release as a SEMVER major change because our installation instructions have changed.

License update for Mapbox builds of GL Native
Starting today, new binary releases of GL Native are licensed under the Mapbox Terms of Service. The Mapbox Maps SDKs repos will continue to be public and licensed under BSD-2.If you have any questions about how this change may impact your use of the Maps SDK, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Mapbox Support to connect with the Mapbox mobile team.

Distribution Updates
Standard installation methods still apply – we will continue to support SDK installation via CocoaPods, Carthage, and manual integration. However, you are now required to authenticate installation with a new access token. For more information about this new process, view our installation guide.


08 Jul 22:11
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iOS-v5.10.0-beta.1 Pre-release

Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v5.10.0-alpha.1:

To install this pre-release via a dependency manager, see our CocoaPods or Carthage instructions.


06 Jul 21:59
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iOS-v5.10.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

Starting this release, the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS will use a pre-built GL Native binary licensed under the Mapbox Terms of Service. The license of the Maps SDK for iOS remains BSD-2. For more information on using this and future releases, see For more details on licensing, see

✨ New features

  • Added support for the hash expression operator that generates a hash value for the given string. Use this function in expressions in style JSON or with the MGL_FUNCTION() syntax in an NSExpression format string. (#326)
  • Improved the performance of the mgl_distance: expression function (distance expression operator in JSON). (#326)

🐞 Bug fixes


08 May 06:10
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This version of the Mapbox Maps SDK for macOS corresponds to version 5.9.0 of the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS. Changes since macos-v0.15.0:

Styles and rendering

  • Added the mgl_distanceFrom: expression function for calculating the shortest distance between the evaluated feature and an MGLPointAnnotation, MGLPointCollection, MGLPolyline, MGLMultiPolyline, MGLPolygon, or MGLMultiPolygon that you specify as part of an NSExpression format string. (#295)
  • Added the MGLCircleStyleLayer.circleSortKey property. (mapbox/mapbox-gl-native#15875)
  • Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters are now set in the font specified in style JSON or by the MGLSymbolLayer.textFontNames property. If the named font is not installed on the device or bundled with the application, the characters are set in a fallback font listed in the MGLIdeographicFontFamilyName key in the Info.plist file. (#189)
  • The MGLIdeographicFontFamilyName key in the Info.plist file can now specify the fallback fonts for CJK characters by their PostScript names or display names in addition to font family names. For example, you can specify NotoSansCJKjp-Bold or Noto Sans CJK JP Bold, which ensures that the characters are set in bold. You can alternatively specify these font names in the MGLIdeographicFontFamilyName key of NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults. (#189)
  • CJK characters are now laid out according to the font, so fonts with nonsquare glyphs have the correct kerning. (#189)
  • Fixed an issue where the baseline for CJK characters was too low compared to non-CJK characters. (#189)
  • Fixed a crash when calling the -[MGLStyle removeImageForName:] method with the name of a nonexistent image. (mapbox/mapbox-gl-native#16391)
  • Fixed an issue where properties such as MGLFillStyleLayer.fillColor and MGLLineStyleLayer.lineColor misinterpreted non-opaque NSColors. (#266)

Offline maps

  • Added the -[MGLOfflinePack setContext:completionHandler:] method for replacing the data associated with an offline pack, such as a name. (#288)
  • Added the MGLOfflineStorage.databasePath and MGLOfflineStorage.databaseURL properties to obtain the path of the database that contains offline packs and the ambient cache. To customize this path, set the MGLOfflineStorageDatabasePath in Info.plist. (#298)
  • Fixed an error that occurred if your implementation of the -[MGLOfflineStorageDelegate offlineStorage:URLForResourceOfKind:] method returned a local file URL. (mapbox/mapbox-gl-native#16428)

Other changes

  • Fixed a crash when encountering an invalid polyline. (mapbox/mapbox-gl-native#16409)
  • Fixed an issue where an MGLMapSnapshotOptions with an invalid MGLMapCamera.centerCoordinate, negative MGLMapCamera.heading, negative MGLMapCamera.pitch, and negative MGLMapSnapshotOptions.zoomLevel resulted in a snapshot centered on Null Island at zoom level 0 even if the style specified a different initial center coordinate or zoom level. (#280)
  • Certain logging statements no longer run on the main thread. (mapbox/mapbox-gl-native#16325)

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.


07 May 22:49
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Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v5.8.0:

Styles and rendering

  • Added the mgl_distanceFrom: expression function for calculating the shortest distance between the evaluated feature and an MGLPointAnnotation, MGLPointCollection, MGLPolyline, MGLMultiPolyline, MGLPolygon, or MGLMultiPolygon that you specify as part of an NSExpression format string. (#295)
  • Added the MGLCircleStyleLayer.circleSortKey property. (mapbox/mapbox-gl-native#15875)
  • Chinese, Japanese, and Korean characters are now set in the font specified in style JSON or by the MGLSymbolLayer.textFontNames property. If the named font is not installed on the device or bundled with the application, the characters are set in a fallback font listed in the MGLIdeographicFontFamilyName key in the Info.plist file. (#189)
  • The MGLIdeographicFontFamilyName key in the Info.plist file can now specify the fallback fonts for CJK characters by their PostScript names or display names in addition to font family names. For example, you can specify NotoSansCJKjp-Bold or Noto Sans CJK JP Bold, which ensures that the characters are set in bold. You can alternatively specify these font names in the MGLIdeographicFontFamilyName key of NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults. (#189)
  • CJK characters are now laid out according to the font, so fonts with nonsquare glyphs have the correct kerning. (#189)
  • Fixed an issue where the baseline for CJK characters was too low compared to non-CJK characters. (#189)
  • Fixed a crash when calling the -[MGLStyle removeImageForName:] method with the name of a nonexistent image. (mapbox/mapbox-gl-native#16391)
  • Fixed an issue where properties such as MGLFillStyleLayer.fillColor and MGLLineStyleLayer.lineColor misinterpreted non-opaque UIColors. (#266)

Offline maps

  • Added the -[MGLOfflinePack setContext:completionHandler:] method for replacing the data associated with an offline pack, such as a name. (#288)
  • Added the MGLOfflineStorage.databasePath and MGLOfflineStorage.databaseURL properties to obtain the path of the database that contains offline packs and the ambient cache. To customize this path, set the MGLOfflineStorageDatabasePath in Info.plist. (#298)
  • Fixed an error that occurred if your implementation of the -[MGLOfflineStorageDelegate offlineStorage:URLForResourceOfKind:] method returned a local file URL. (mapbox/mapbox-gl-native#16428)

Other changes

  • Fixed a crash when encountering an invalid polyline. (mapbox/mapbox-gl-native#16409)
  • Fixed an issue where an MGLMapSnapshotOptions with an invalid MGLMapCamera.centerCoordinate, negative MGLMapCamera.heading, negative MGLMapCamera.pitch, and negative MGLMapSnapshotOptions.zoomLevel resulted in a snapshot centered on Null Island at zoom level 0 even if the style specified a different initial center coordinate or zoom level. (#280)
  • Certain logging statements no longer run on the main thread. (mapbox/mapbox-gl-native#16325)
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Maps SDK from warning about a misconfiguration that violated the Mapbox ToS. (#288)

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.