This project aims to assess your skills in building a user-friendly and informative blockchain dashboard using Next.js and a CSS framework of your choice. You will demonstrate your ability to fetch and display relevant data from a public blockchain, implement unit tests, and document your development process.
Project Requirements:
Technology Stack:
- Frontend Framework: Next.js
- CSS Framework: Choose any CSS framework you are comfortable with (e.g., Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap, Material UI)
- Testing Framework: Implement unit tests using a suitable testing framework (e.g., Jest, React Testing Library)
Blockchain Network and Data:
- Select a public blockchain network of your choice (e.g., Ethereum Mainnet, Sepolia testnet, Linea, Polygon, Avalanche, etc.)
- Identify and display relevant information about past blocks on the chosen network. This could include:
- Block height
- Timestamp
- Number of transactions
- Gas used (avg, total, variation, etc)
- Miner/validator information
- Any other data you find interesting or insightful
Dashboard Design and Functionality:
- Design a clean and intuitive user interface for the dashboard
- Implement features to allow users to view relevant blockchain data, for example:
- View a list of past blocks
- Filter or sort blocks based on specific criteria
- View detailed information about individual blocks
- View charts and lists
Unit Testing:
- Write unit tests to ensure the functionality and correctness of your components and data fetching logic
- Document your project clearly, explaining your design choices, implementation details, and testing approach
Version Control:
- Use Git for version control and commit your code frequently to showcase your development process
Evaluation Criteria:
- Code quality and adherence to best practices
- UI/UX design and user-friendliness
- Functionality and data accuracy
- Testing coverage and effectiveness
- Documentation clarity and completeness
- Version control history and commit messages
Submission Instructions:
Please create a fork from this repository before starting to work on the project.
Submit an empty initial commit when you start working.
Send the link to [email protected] when you have finished working.
The duration will be evaluated from the time elapsed between the first commit and the last.