This is the mysql DB of the WeFix project
-install docker
-Download the "my-mysql" folder
-Start Docker Engine
-Move to the my-mysql folder:
$ cd ~/my-mysql/
-Create a custom docker image:
$ docker build -t my-mysql .
-Check if there is a new image named "my-mysql":
$ docker images
-Start a docker container(port is 3306, my-mysql is the container name, supersecret is the password)
$ docker run -d -p 3306:3306 --name my-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=supersecret my-mysql
-Verify we have our WeFix db:
$ docker exec -it my-mysql bash
root@c86ff80d7524:/# mysql -uroot -p
Enter password: supersecret
mysql> show databases;
mysql> use WeFix;
mysql> show tables;
-Show accounts table:
mysql> show columns from account;
mysql> select * from account;
-Remove the "my-mysql" image from the Docker Engine
-Remove the "my-mysql" container from the Docker Engine
-Follow the instructions again