This plugin allows sending of a survey request once the issue reaches a specific status.
Installation is like any other plugin:
- Download the plugin from Github
- Copy the directory structure to the plugin directory of your Mantis installation.
- Within Mantis, go to Manage / Manage plugins
- Click on install next to the Survey plugin (to be found in the Available plugin section).
- You can configure @ which status the request should be send to the reporter of the issue and in addition you can define who is allowed to see the results That's all, enjoy
- Selection of status which will trigger the invitation for the Survey
- Selection of the user level that can view the management page of survey results
- Select the projects for which the survey should be triggered
- for now a comma separated list which holds the project_id's. Default value = '0' which means all projects.
- Inform ssomone about posting Y/N
- Select user to send mail Should have mininal level to view management page.
- Set the max number of entries per page when looking @ the survey results ( between 5 & 100 )
- Beautify project selection
Issues/requests can be registered on Github:
1.0.0 30-10-2024 Initial release
1.1.0 31-10-2024 Included management cockpit
1.2.0 01-11-2024 Included option to activate the survey plugin for one or more projects
1.2.1 01-11-2024 Added option to search in the resultset
1.3.0 06-11-2024 Added an option so send out email to defined user about completion of survey