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ivannarodriguez committed May 27, 2024
2 parents 2c4404d + 74f1428 commit 675bfcc
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Showing 2 changed files with 1,075 additions and 0 deletions.
274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions dev/dkl-1way-dev.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@


wd_dev <- getwd()

# Setup -------------------------------------------------------------------

# 1. Obtain Census API Key here:
# 2. Run census_api_key function to add API_KEY to .Renviron
# census_api_key('API_KEY', install = TRUE)
# 3. Restart RStudio

# Another option is to simply run:
# Sys.getenv("API_KEY")

# Read the .Renviron file (only necessary fi you ran census_api_key()

# Function to launch a mini Shiny app to look up Census variables
explore_acs_vars <- function () {
ui <- basicPage(h2("ACS Variable Search"),
tags$style('#display {height:100px; white-space: pre-wrap;}'),
verbatimTextOutput('display', placeholder = TRUE),
mainPanel(DT::dataTableOutput(outputId = "acs_table", width = '800px'))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$acs_table= DT::renderDataTable({
acs5_vars <- acs5_vars
}, filter = "top", selection = 'multiple', options = list(columnDefs = list( list(className = "nowrap",width = '100px', targets = c(1,2))), pageLength = 20), server = TRUE)
selected_index <- reactive({
acs5_vars %>% slice(input$acs_table_rows_selected) %>% pull(name)
output$display = renderPrint({
s = unique(input$acs_table_rows_selected)
if (length(s)) {cat(paste0("'",selected_index(),"'",collapse = ","))}
shinyApp(ui, server)

# Metro crosswalk
xwalk_url <- ''
tmp_filepath <- paste0(tempdir(), '/', basename(xwalk_url))
download.file(url = paste0(xwalk_url), destfile = tmp_filepath)
cbsa_xwalk <- read_excel(tmp_filepath, sheet = 1, range = cell_rows(3:1919))
cbsa_xwalk <- cbsa_xwalk %>%
select_all(~gsub("\\s+|\\.|\\/", "_", .)) %>%
rename_all(list(tolower)) %>%
mutate(fips_state_code = str_pad(fips_state_code, width=2, side="left", pad="0"),
fips_county_code = str_pad(fips_county_code, width=3, side="left", pad="0"),
county_fips = paste0(fips_state_code,fips_county_code)) %>%
rename(cbsa_fips = cbsa_code,
area_type = metropolitan_micropolitan_statistical_area) %>%

# Investigate Census Variables
acs5_vars <- load_variables(year = 2019, dataset = c('acs5'), cache = FALSE)
# Separate concept column so its easier to sort through
acs5_vars <- acs5_vars %>% separate(col = 'concept',
into = c('concept_main','concept_part'),
sep = c(' BY '),
remove = FALSE,
extra = "merge") %>%
mutate(concept_part = case_when( ~ 'TOTAL',
TRUE ~ as.character(concept_part)))

# Create HTML Search Window to find variables
# explore_acs_vars()

acs5_vars_selected <- c('B23025_004','B23025_005','B23025_006','B23025_007',

# 'B06010_001','B06010_003','B25121_001','B08126_001','B08124_001','B15003_001','B02001_001','B03001_001'

# Download state codes via tidycensus' "fips_codes" data set
state_xwalk <- %>%
rename(state_fips = state_code,
state_codes = state,
county_name = county) %>%
mutate(county_fips = paste0(state_fips,county_code))
# Make lists for FIPS and codes
state_fips <- unique(state_xwalk$state_fips)[1:51]
state_codes <- unique(state_xwalk$state_codes)[1:51]

# Subset to states of interest (use state_codes list to get all states)
state_list <- c('IL','WI','IN')

# Use purrr function map_df to run a get_acs call that loops over all states
acs_tract_all_us_data <- map_df(state_list, function(x) {
get_acs(year = 2020, geography = "tract", survey = 'acs5',
variables = acs5_vars_selected,
state = x)


df <- acs_tract_all_us_data %>%
rename_all(list(tolower)) %>%
left_join(., acs5_vars %>% select(name, label), by = c('variable' = 'name')) %>%
mutate(label = gsub("Estimate!!Total:", "", label),
label = gsub("With income:", "", label),
label = gsub("In labor force", "", label),
label = gsub("Civilian labor force", "", label),
label = gsub("Household income the past 12 months \\(in 2019 inflation-adjusted dollars\\) --", "", label),
label = gsub("", "", label),
label = gsub("!!|:", "", label)) %>%
separate(col = 'variable',
into = c('variable_group','variable_item'),
sep = c('_'),
remove = FALSE,
extra = "merge") %>%
mutate(label = case_when(variable_group == 'B19001A' ~ paste0('White alone',' - ',label),
variable_group == 'B19001B' ~ paste0('Black or African American alone',' - ',label),
variable_group == 'B19001C' ~ paste0('Native American alone',' - ',label),
variable_group == 'B19001D' ~ paste0('Asian alone',' - ',label),
variable_group == 'B19001E' ~ paste0('Pacific Islander alone',' - ',label),
variable_group == 'B19001F' ~ paste0('Some other race alone',' - ',label),
variable_group == 'B19001G' ~ paste0('Two or more races',' - ',label),
variable_group == 'B19001H' ~ paste0('White alone, not Latino',' - ',label),
variable_group == 'B19001I' ~ paste0('Hispanic or Latino',' - ',label),
TRUE ~ as.character(label))) %>%
mutate(group_label = case_when(variable_group == "B02001" ~ 'Race',
variable_group == "B03001" ~ 'Hispanic or Latino',
variable_group == "B08124" ~ 'Occupation',
variable_group == "B08126" ~ 'Industry',
variable_group == "B15003" ~ 'Education attainment',
variable_group == 'B23025' ~ 'Employment status',
variable_group == 'B06001' ~ 'Age',
variable_group == 'B19001' ~ 'Household income',
variable_group == 'B19001A' ~ 'Household income - White alone',
variable_group == 'B19001B' ~ 'Household income - Black or African American alone',
variable_group == 'B19001C' ~ 'Household income - Native American alone',
variable_group == 'B19001D' ~ 'Household income - Asian alone',
variable_group == 'B19001E' ~ 'Household income - Pacific Islander alone',
variable_group == 'B19001F' ~ 'Household income - Some other race alone',
variable_group == 'B19001G' ~ 'Household income - Two or more races',
variable_group == 'B19001H' ~ 'Household income - White alone, not Latino',
variable_group == 'B19001I' ~ 'Household income - Hispanic or Latino'),
county_fips = str_sub(geoid,1,5)) %>%
left_join(., state_xwalk, by = c('county_fips'='county_fips')) %>%
left_join(.,cbsa_xwalk, by = c('county_fips'='county_fips')) %>%
group_by(geoid, variable_group) %>% mutate(tract_total = sum(estimate)) %>% ungroup() %>%
group_by(county_fips, variable) %>% mutate(county_estimate = sum(estimate)) %>% ungroup() %>%
group_by(county_fips, variable_group) %>% mutate(county_total = sum(estimate)) %>% ungroup() %>%
group_by(cbsa_fips, variable) %>% mutate(cbsa_estimate = sum(estimate)) %>% ungroup() %>%
group_by(cbsa_fips, variable_group) %>% mutate(cbsa_total = sum(estimate)) %>% ungroup() %>%
mutate(tract_pct = estimate / tract_total,
county_pct = county_estimate / county_total,
cbsa_pct = cbsa_estimate / cbsa_total) %>%
rename(tract_estimate = estimate,
tract_fips = geoid) %>%
select(tract_fips,county_fips,county_name,cbsa_fips,cbsa_title,area_type,central_outlying_county,state_codes,state_fips,state_name,variable,variable_group,variable_item,group_label,label,tract_pct,tract_estimate,moe,tract_total,county_pct,county_estimate,county_total,cbsa_pct,cbsa_estimate,cbsa_total) %>%
arrange(county_fips, tract_fips, variable) %>%
mutate_at(vars(tract_pct,county_pct,cbsa_pct), ~replace(., is.nan(.), 0)) %>%
filter(cbsa_title %in% c("Chicago-Naperville-Elgin, IL-IN-WI",
"Madison, WI",
"Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI",
"Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson, IN",
"Milwaukee-Waukesha, WI"))

df2 <- df %>%
mutate(p_ni = tract_total / cbsa_total, # Prob of being in tract in MSA
p_ni_yj = tract_estimate / cbsa_estimate, # Prob of being in tract among people in bin
p_yj = cbsa_estimate / cbsa_total, # Prob of being in bin for everyone in MSA
p_yj_ni = tract_estimate / tract_total) %>% # Prob of being in bin among people in tract
mutate_at(vars(p_ni,p_ni_yj,p_yj,p_yj_ni), ~replace(., is.nan(.), 0)) %>%
mutate(dkl_log_i = log(p_yj_ni / p_yj), # share of income in tract relative to share of income in metro
djl_log_j = log(p_ni_yj / p_ni) # tract share of metro bin relative to share of tract in metro
) %>%
mutate_at(vars(dkl_log_i, djl_log_j), ~replace(., is.infinite(.), 0)) %>%
mutate_at(vars(dkl_log_i, djl_log_j), ~replace(., is.nan(.), 0)) %>%
mutate(dkl_tract_j = p_yj_ni * dkl_log_i, # DKL tract component
dkl_bin_i = p_ni_yj * djl_log_j) %>% # DKL bin component
group_by(variable_group, tract_fips) %>% mutate(dkl_tract = sum(dkl_tract_j)) %>% ungroup() %>% # Sum DKL tract components
group_by(variable_group, cbsa_fips, variable) %>% mutate(dkl_bin = sum(dkl_bin_i )) %>% ungroup() # Sum DKL bin components

geom_tract <- get_acs(year = 2020, geography = "tract", survey = 'acs5', variables = 'B02001_001', state = '17', county = '031', geometry = TRUE) %>%
select(GEOID) %>% st_transform(crs = st_crs(4326))

# Community areas
community_areas <- sf::st_read('') %>%
st_transform(crs = st_crs(4326)) %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
geom_tract <- geom_tract %>%
st_join(., community_areas, left= TRUE, largest = TRUE) %>%

# Visualizations of Tracts
(p1 <- ggplot(geom_tract %>% left_join(., df2, by = c('GEOID'='tract_fips')) %>% filter(group_label == 'Race'),
aes(fill = dkl_tract , color = dkl_tract)) +
geom_sf() + scale_fill_viridis() + scale_color_viridis() +
labs(subtitle = 'Race') +
theme_minimal() + theme(legend.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank()))

(p2 <- ggplot(geom_tract %>% left_join(., df2, by = c('GEOID'='tract_fips')) %>% filter(group_label == 'Household income'),
aes(fill = dkl_tract , color = dkl_tract)) +
geom_sf() + scale_fill_viridis() + scale_color_viridis() +
labs(subtitle = 'Household income') +
theme_minimal() + theme(legend.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank()))

(p3 <- ggplot(geom_tract %>% left_join(., df2, by = c('GEOID'='tract_fips')) %>% filter(group_label == 'Education attainment'),
aes(fill = dkl_tract , color = dkl_tract)) +
geom_sf() + scale_fill_viridis() + scale_color_viridis() +
labs(subtitle = 'Education attainment') +
theme_minimal() + theme(legend.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank()))

ggplot(geom_tract %>% left_join(., df2, by = c('GEOID'='tract_fips')) %>% filter(group_label == 'Age'),
aes(fill = dkl_tract , color = dkl_tract)) +
geom_sf() + scale_fill_viridis() + scale_color_viridis() +
labs(subtitle = '') +
theme_minimal() + theme(legend.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank())

ggplot(geom_tract %>% left_join(., df2, by = c('GEOID'='tract_fips')) %>% filter(group_label == 'Occupation'),
aes(fill = dkl_tract , color = dkl_tract)) +
geom_sf() + scale_fill_viridis() + scale_color_viridis() +
labs(subtitle = '') +
theme_minimal() + theme(legend.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank())

p4 <- p1 + p2 +p3

# Bar charts
df3 <- df2
lvls <- df2 %>% filter(group_label == 'Race') %>% select(label) %>% distinct() %>% pull(label)
df3$label <- factor(df2$label, levels = lvls)
ggplot(df3 %>% filter(group_label == 'Race', cbsa_fips == '16980') %>% select(group_label, cbsa_fips, label, dkl_bin) %>% distinct()) +
geom_bar(aes(x= dkl_bin, y = label), stat="identity")

lvls <- df2 %>% filter(group_label == 'Household income') %>% select(label) %>% distinct() %>% pull(label)
df3$label <- factor(df2$label, levels = lvls)
ggplot(df3 %>% filter(group_label == 'Household income', cbsa_fips == '16980') %>% select(group_label, cbsa_fips, label, dkl_bin) %>% distinct()) +
geom_bar(aes(x= dkl_bin, y = label, fill = label), stat="identity")

lvls <- df2 %>% filter(group_label == 'Education attainment') %>% select(label) %>% distinct() %>% pull(label)
df3$label <- factor(df2$label, levels = lvls)
ggplot(df3 %>% filter(group_label == 'Education attainment', cbsa_fips == '16980') %>% select(group_label, cbsa_fips, label, dkl_bin) %>% distinct()) +
geom_bar(aes(x= dkl_bin, y = label), stat="identity")

write_csv(df, paste0(wd_dev,'/outputs/','dkl_input_data.csv'))

write_csv(df %>% filter(tract_fips == '17031010100'), paste0(wd_dev,'/outputs/','dkl_input_data.csv'))

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