:: Theme : Bhamashah Yojana
:: Technology used : Python-Django-Postgresql-Vanilla Js
:: API's used : Bhamashah API , Google-Maps-Location API
::Objective : "Man in the Middle" platform between the government and rural people. The platform
makes people (having bhamashah Card) aware, of all the benefits that they can avail from
the "Bhamashah Yojana", via notifications.
Apart from this, through this platform they can submit online applications to avail benefits
of everyday government policies like the loan for education and health, and also one can
file complaints and give suggestions regarding improper government services tempered by
the local authorities.
Moreover, a separate login for the government officials has been incorporated so that they
can process all the complains and services and can also check the location of each
complainee and consult the local authorities.
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip install virtualenv
sudo pip install django
cd akatsuki/
python3 manage.py makemigrations
python3 manage.py migrate
python3 manage.py runserver