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COVID-19 X-Ray Image Classification using Patched FLANNEL

This is source code repository for our research paper as part of final project for UIUC graduate course CS598 Deep Learning for Healthcare. We propose a combined model which takes patch based classification approach proposed by Park et al. and FLANNEL model proposed by Zhi Qiao et al. We change base models from original FLANNEL to accept patch image for classification and inference.

More details about our proposed model can be found in project report, slides and presentation. Below we provide description to setup, train and test original FLANNEL and patched FLANNEL models.


Team Alchemists

Name NetId
Maneesh Kumar Singh [email protected]
Raman Walwyn-Venugopal [email protected]
Satish Reddy Asi [email protected]
Srikanth Bharadwaz Samudrala [email protected]


To view changes from original source

cd src
git diff 1d593c9eb021c1353a030a934ef7dd8cf471def0 -- .


The code for this repository has been developed on both Windows and Ubuntu. However only Ubuntu is used to extensively test the models from end to end. Therefore we would provide instructions to setup and run the code on Ubuntu. Same instructions can be modified to run on Windows or Mac.

It is advisable to use Cloud GPU VM instances to run the training and inference.

Create virtualenv with python >= 3.8.0 and activate it.

cd src
pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Collection for FLANNEL

  1. Download [Kaggle chest x-ray dataset] from
  2. Download COVID-19 chest x-ray dataset from Notice the commit ID at the end. This commit is required to reproduce the results,
  3. Unzip Kaggle and COVID-19 dataset in original_data folder in user directory.
unzip -d ~/original_data/
unzip -d ~/original_data/

Metadata creation

Extract metadata from Kaggle and COVID-19 x-ray datasets by running below python modules. These modules filter and extract metadata from x-ray images. The filter includes selecting diseases from four classes COVID-19, Pneumonia virus, Pneumonia bacteria and normal and selecting only PA and AP views. In addition to class and view types, the metadata also contains image path. Metadata are stored in Python pickle files.

# inside src folder
python data_preprocess/ 
python data_preprocess/


Data Preparation

The required data can be downloaded from below mentioned sources. The data retrieved must be put in a data folder as shown below.

  |- JSRT
    |- Image1
    |- Image 2
  |- SCR
    |- fold1/
    |- fold2


  • run
python ./data_preprocess/segmentation/

This process should create a new model in output/model_v1.1pth


This should be run after the Kaggle and GitHub datasets have been processed and have had their appropriate pkl files generated. [formal_covid_dict_ap.pkl, formal_kaggle_dict.pkl]

  • copy model generated from training to the root of this folder
cp output/model_v1.1pth ./model_v1.1pth
  • run
python ./data_preprocess/segmentation/

This process should generate a series of compressed Numpy files that contain a Numpified version of the CXR with the mask applied. It also generates two new pkl files [forml_covid_dict_ap.pkl.segmented.pkl, formal_kaggle_dict.pkl.segmented.pkl]. These new pkl files annotate the original entries with the path of the masked cxr npz file.

Original FLANNEL

Five Fold CV

Run below python module, to generate five-fold cross validation experiment data from pickle files generated during metadata creation.

 python ./data_preprocess/extract_exp_data_crossentropy \
    --out-dir ./data_preprocess/standard_data_multiclass_0922_crossentropy \
    --covid ./data_preprocess/formal_covid_dict_ap.pkl \
    --kaggle ./data_preprocess/formal_kaggle_dict.pkl

Model Training

Due to amount of training and inference required, individual models can be trained in parallel using different machines and the output can be collected to be used for ensemble step.

The code was tested on AWS EC2 p3.2xlarge instance type. You need to setup AWS EC2 Role providing access to AWS S3 in order to backup model on S3. If you don't want your model to be saved on S3 or if you are running the code on non-AWS environment. You need to disable AWS S3 callbacks for backing up model on s3.

-      os.system("aws s3 sync {} {}".format(args.checkpoint, checkpoint_s3))
+      #os.system("aws s3 sync {} {}".format(args.checkpoint, checkpoint_s3))

Base models training

To run model training for base FLANNEL, you can train each model directly running python module directly and providing all necessary arguments.

python FLANNEL/ --arch inception_v3 \
  --epochs=200 --crop_size=299 -ck_n=50 --cv=cv1 -j=4

Or you could use script in src folder, which run all five folds using appropriate parameters for each model. This scripts trains each model on 200 epochs and then evaluate the trained model. There are total six models trained and it takes around 36 hours for training and evaluation to finish on AWS p3.2xlarge instance.


Ensemble Model Training

Similarly ensemble model could be trained using running python module directly or using script. Ensemble step training would start after inference is run on all five base model and model output result_detail* files have been created for CV fold being tested. You can specify data directory as below to provide ensemble model path to load the result file.

python FLANNEL/ \
  --epochs=200 -ck_n=50 \
  --data_dir='./explore_version_03/results/%s_20200407_multiclass_%s' \
  --cv=21 -j=4



Model Inference (Base and Ensemble)

Pass --test parameter using the same commands used for model training. If the model is trained on different machines, the best model should be copied to machine running the inference.

python FLANNEL/ --arch inception_v3 \
  --epochs=200 --crop_size=299 -ck_n=50 --cv=cv1 -j=4 --test
# Or



We synced our checkpoint models and results to AWS S3. If you are running your code on Non-AWS environment or do not want to sync to AWS S3. Please change the below code.

def save_checkpoint(state, epoch_id, is_best,
-                   cloud_sync=s3_sync):
+                   cloud_sync=None):

Five Fold CV generation

Five fold generation process is same as original FLANNEL. However, the input pickle files are now generated during Segmentation network inference.

python data_preprocess/ \
  --kaggle ./data_preprocess/formal_kaggle_dict.pkl.segmented.pkl \
  --covid ./data_preprocess/formal_covid_dict_ap.pkl.segmented.pkl \
  --out-dir ./data_preprocess/standard_data_patched_0922_crossentropy

Model training and inference

We have changed the base learners dataset to output a random patch. Training and inference on patched models can be run as below.To speedup training and inference, it is advisable to mount masked images in memory.

# Mount images in memory. This may take 10-15 minutes depending on data volume
cp -r ~/segmentation/ /dev/shm/segmentation

To train the patched model. Notice --in-memory parameter, this tells our dataset to load the images from /dev/shm irrespective of location in metadata pickle files.

python patched_flannel/ --arch inception_v3 \
  --epochs=$epochs --crop_size=299 -ck_n=$ck_n --cv=cv$i \
  -j=$workers --in_memory

We have also created helper script in src folder with all required parameters.


For inference on base models, same commands as used for training are used with --test parameter. Notice k parameter in below command. It is used to specify the number of random patches for inference.

python patched_flannel/ --arch inception_v3 \
  --epochs=$epochs --crop_size=299 -ck_n=$ck_n --cv=cv$i \
  -j=$workers -k=$patches --test --in_memory
# OR

Ensemble training and inference

As original FLANNEL ensemble model requires confidence score as input and then uses them to create probability. We changed the ensemble dataset to take patched base model output as is as it is already probability. During training and inference, you need to specify this using --patched parameter.

python FLANNEL/ \
    --checkpoint ./patched_results/checkpoint \
    --results ./patched_results/results \
    --epochs=$epochs -ck_n=$ck_n \
    --data_dir='./patched_results/results/%s_20200407_patched_%s' \
    --cv=cv$i -j=$workers --test --patched
# OR

Generate Plots

F1 Score Bar Chart

python FLANNEL/utils/

Confusion Matrix

python FLANNEL/utils/ explore_version_03/results
# toggle colormap to differentiate FLANNEL and patched FLANNEL
python FLANNEL/utils/ patched_results/results togglecolor

PR ROC Curves

python FLANNEL/utils/



We have taken code provided by original authors of references paper as our baseline.


COVID-19 X-Ray image classification using patched FLANNEL







No packages published

Contributors 4
