Small iOS Twitter lib for posting twits
and getting user info for a screenName
. No authentication included. Could be a real savior if you have to support older iOS versions and still need some basic Twitter integration.
iOS 4.1+, no ARC. Authentication tokens from anything which could authenticate with Twitter's OAuth 1.0A (for example MGTwitterEngine).
- Drag MDTwitterPoster, Base64, SBJSON folders and MDTwitterPosterIncludes.h to XCode project.
- Add #import "MDTwitterPoster.h" to file, where you need to access MDTwitterPoster from.
- That's all, if you need to disable NSLog's from MDTwitterPoster, comment #define NO_CONNECTION_LOGS line in MDTwitterPoster.h.
This will post a twit:
[MDTwitterPoster twitWithAppKey:OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY
message:@"Your message"];
This will get userInfo for MANIAK_dobrii:
[MDTwitterPoster getUserInfoWithAppKey:OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY
To get callbacks just check MDTwitterPosterDelegate in MDTwitterPoster.h, as easy as:
- (void) mdTwitterPoster:(MDTwitterPoster*)mdTwitterPoster didUpdateStatus:(NSString*)newStatus {
// all good, posted twit succesfully
- (void) mdTwitterPoster:(MDTwitterPoster*)mdTwitterPoster didFailToUpdateStatus:(NSString *)newStatus withError:(NSError*)error {
// failed to twit
MDTwitterPoster is released under the MIT License by MANIAK_dobrii (Солодовниченко Михаил).