Live Application:
App type: Chat Application
Description: A simple chat/forum application where users are able to create accounts, post messages to a chatroom, read and delete existing messages.
- Clone the .NET API Repo to your Local machine
- Copy and paste `appsettingsTEMPLATE.json` file and rename the copy to `appsettings.json`
- Update your Connection string to direct it to your local database
- Run `Add-Migrations InitialChatSchema -Context ChatDbContext -OutputDir "Data/Migrations"`
- Then run `Update-Database -Context ChatDbContext`
- Clone the React App Repo to your Local machine
- CD into the cloned respository in your local.
- Run `npm install` to install necessary packages
- Run `npm start` to boot up the application
- OPTIONAL: Update the end-points to use your locally running .NET api in `Login.js`, `Registration.js`, `Chatlist.js`, `ChatMessage.js`, and `SubmitMessage.js`
- User authentication
- Users can post messages
- User can delete their own messages
- Users can see the timestamp of each message
- User can reply to messages
- Administrators can pin messages
- Advanced formatting in messages
- Multiple chatrooms
- Emoji's / symbols in messages
- The user interface will allow anonymous chat messages.
- Users can only delete messages created by their account.
- The system will require a database that stores messages, and user data.
- The chat application will allow a message object to have a nullable UserId, allowing anon users.
- Anonymous users must enter in an alias to post a message if they are not authenticated.
- Each message object will need a user id field.
- An API will be used to communicate data from the server to the front-end.
- The application will use ReactJS to send POST/GET/UPDATE/DELETE Requests