This is a simple 2D particle emitter that can be used in a MonoGame project
To install you can clone the source form this github repository, or download the release .dll and reference that in your project.
If you choose to clone the source, after cloning it, do the following
- Right-Click the Solution in the Solution Explorer window in your of your MonoGame project
- Choose "Add Existing Project"
- Navigate to and choose the ParticleEmitter.csproj in the "source/ParticleEmitter/ directory of the cloned repository
- Right-Click your MonoGame project in the Solution Explorer
- Choose "Add > Reference"
- Expand Project on the left pane, click "Solution" and then check the ParticleEmitter, then click ok
If you choose to download the .dll, perform teh following after downloading
- Download from the Releases page and unzip. (Latest Release is Version 1.0.0)
- Right-click the MonoGame project in the Solution Explorer window
- Choose "Add > Reference"
- Choose "Browse" on the left side panel
- Click the Browse button at the bottom
- Navigate to and select the ParticleEmitter.dll you downloaded
- Click Ok
To use the particle emitter first add the using namespace
using ParticleEmitter;
Then create a new particle emitter object giving it a position to be located at
Vector2 position = new Vector2(100, 100);
ParticleEmitter emitter = new ParticleEmitter(position);
Call the update for the emitter in your Update method
Call the draw for the emitter in your Draw method
When generating particles, you'll need to supply the emitter with a set of ParticleGeneratorOptions
. Below is an example of these
// Create the generator options for our particle emitter
ParticleGeneratorOptions generatorOptions = new ParticleGeneratorOptions()
// EmiisionType determines how the xy-velocity of the particles are calculated.
// Emissiontype.Burst will randomly make the x and/or y velocity positive or negative
// EmissionType.UpOnly will only calcuate the y veolocity so that the particles will move up from the emitter
// EmissionType.DownOnly will only calculate the y velocity so that the particles move down from the emitter
// EmissionType.LeftOnly will only calculate the x velocity so that the particles move left from the emitter
// EmissionType.RightOnly will only calculate the x velocity so that the particles move right from the emitter
EmissionType = EmissionType.Burst,
// Texture is the Texture2D used to render the particles that are generated with these
// options
Texture = Content.Load<Texture2D>("demoParticle"),
// Color is the color mask used to render the particles
Color = Color.White,
// Time to live is how long the particles should live. It randomly chooses between the
// min and the max value. If all particles should live the same amount of time, set
// both min and max to the same value
TimeToLive = new MinMaxFloat() { Minimum = 1.0f, Maximum = 1.5f },
// Count is the total number of particles to generate
Count = 30,
// Velocity is the xy-velocity that is applied to the particles. It randomly chooses between
// the min and max value. If all particles should move at the same rate, then set min and max
// to the same value
Velocity = new MinMaxFloat() { Minimum = 1.0f, Maximum = 4.0f },
// RotationVelocity is the velocity that is applied to the rotation of the of the particles.
// It randomly chooses between the min and max value. If all particles shoudl rotate with
// the same velocity, set min and max to the same value
RotationVelocity = new MinMaxFloat() { Minimum = 1.0f, Maximum = 2.0f },
// Scale is the xy scale that is applied to the particles when rendered. It randomly choose
// between the min and max values. If all particles should scale the same, set min and max
// to the same value
Scale = new MinMaxFloat() { Minimum = 0.1f, Maximum = 1.0f },
// Fade sets if the particles should fade out over the duration of the time they are alive.
// Set true to fade, or false to not fade
Fade = false
Then when ready to create particles, tell the emitter to genreate them like so