This is a React Native Firebase Starter Project with login, registration, persisted login, database reads and writes. You can use this project as boilerplate for bootstrapping any new React Native app that uses Firebase as its backend.
This React Native Firebase starter contains a few key features that all apps backed by Fireabase support:
- Registration with E-mail & Password
- Login with E-mail and Password
- Handling persisted login credentials
- Navigation (react-native-navigation)
- Writing to Firestore Database
- Reading from Firestore Database
- Creating Firestore indices (for performance)
If you are using Expo Cli, clone the repo and run "expo start" in the root folder of the project:
git clone
cd react-native-firebase
npm install
npx expo start
If you prefer using React Native CLI, you'll need to eject from Expo first:
git clone
cd react-native-firebase
expo eject
npm install
react-native run-android // react-native run-ios
This React Native Firebase starter is built with Firebase Web SDK, which makes it compatible with both Expo CLI and React Native CLI.