This is a sample microservice shop application implemented with spring boot. It should be serve as framework for further implementations.
Before starting please install the following software.
Clone the the required git repositories.
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
Build the projects using gradle over the console.
$ cd microservice-infrastructure
$ ./gradlew build
$ cd microservice-monitoring
$ ./gradlew build
$ cd /microservice-shop-demo
$ ./gradlew build
Setup the Eclipse workspace.
Import the projects using the import "Existing Gradle Project" provided by the Eclipse-Buildship plugin.
You can build the projects by clicking on "Refresh Gradle Project" in the context menu of the project.
Open the "Boot Dashboard" view and start the applications in the the following order:
- config-server
- discover-server
- edge-server
- auth-server
- resource-server
- product-service
- recommendation-service
- review-service
- product-composite-service
Since further docker images are required for the monitoring, docker swarm is preferred for execution.
The docker images are pushed to my docker hub repository.
docker repository
You can use this images for creation a docker swarm.
For more information, please see the following notes:
docker swarm notes
access URLs
apache2 config
Of course, you can also build your own docker images. Therefore, the required docker files are available in each project.