Malice #totalhash Plugin
This repository contains a Dockerfile of malice/totalhash for Docker's trusted build published to the public DockerHub.
- Install Docker.
- Download trusted build from public DockerHub:
docker pull malice/totalhash
docker run --rm malice/totalhash SHA1
Usage: totalhash [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]
Malice totalhash Plugin
Version: v0.1.0, BuildTime: 20160219
blacktop - <>
--verbose, -V verbose output
--elasticsearch value elasticsearch address for Malice to store results [$MALICE_ELASTICSEARCH]
--post, -p POST results to Malice webhook [$MALICE_ENDPOINT]
--proxy, -x proxy settings for Malice webhook endpoint [$MALICE_PROXY]
--table, -t output as Markdown table
--user value totalhash user [$MALICE_TH_USER]
--key value totalhash key [$MALICE_TH_KEY]
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
help Shows a list of commands or help for one command
Run 'totalhash COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
This will output to stdout and POST to malice results API webhook endpoint.
"totalhash": {
"md5": "9483ba381cdb7c983e630839a0d2a1c3",
"sha1": "4af607a4ecf7885018ab5a788e8f0607b4fcb08b",
"time": "2015-08-02 00:49:35",
"version": "0.3",
"calltree": {
"process_call": [
"filename": "C:\\malware.exe",
"index": "1",
"pid": "1348",
"startreason": "AnalysisTarget"
"static": {
"strings_md5": "ac33aca979aaeee66a70b6a6ad9538bf",
"strings_sha1": "b24c81ba5dc75edbbd6de5804e7b4a1db38db591",
"av": [
"av_product": "bull",
"scanner": "BullGuard",
"signature": "Gen:Variant.Graftor.18194",
"timestamp": "2015-08-01 15:55:42",
"update": "2015-07-31 07:26:09",
"version": ""
"av_product": "clam",
"scanner": "ClamAV",
"signature": "Trojan.Dropper-22795",
"timestamp": "2015-08-01 15:55:42",
"update": "2015-07-31 12:00:00",
"version": ""
"imphash": {
"value": "3243b13e562279ab7fbe2f31e45d3a95"
"imports": [
"dll": "kernel32.dll"
"language": {
"value": "040904B0"
"magic": {
"value": "PE32 executable for MS Windows (GUI) Intel 80386 32-bit"
"packer": {
"value": "UPX ->"
"pehash": {
"value": "452dda12aae437d193c043388cfc8e1cf9dd0787"
"section": [
"md3": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
"name": "UPX0",
"sha1": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709",
"size": "0"
"md3": "be7cee8566021aa22591d9bf68634a88",
"name": "UPX1",
"sha1": "f9665ffa7f1b1f10e6265d7e1bf651a3c09793d2",
"size": "47616"
"md3": "6e964a0172c2edaff9838cbf467ab13e",
"name": ".rsrc",
"sha1": "e793ae7e3e91e59b1195cb8e283194d811013f88",
"size": "130560"
"md3": "bf619eac0cdf3f68d496ea9344137e8b",
"name": ".Kerbero",
"sha1": "5c3eb80066420002bc3dcc7ca4ab6efad7ed4ae5",
"size": "512"
"md3": "bf619eac0cdf3f68d496ea9344137e8b",
"name": ".Kerbero",
"sha1": "5c3eb80066420002bc3dcc7ca4ab6efad7ed4ae5",
"size": "512"
"md3": "86759dc484cc49f4800f7f13a4df40d1",
"name": ".Kerbero",
"sha1": "27d7d38a1cff80b297b1e4829cf6139af83a038e",
"size": "66048"
"timestamp": {
"value": "2009-09-12 18:01:17"
"version": {
"value": "LegalCopyright: \nInternalName:\nFileVersion: \nCompanyName: \nLegalTrademarks: \nComments: \nProductName: \nProductVersion: 2.01\nFileDescription: \nOriginalFilename: .exe\n"
Found | URL |
✅ | link |
- To write results to ElasticSearch
- To create a totalhash lookup micro-service
- To post results to a webhook
Find a bug? Want more features? Find something missing in the documentation? Let me know! Please don't hesitate to file an issue
See all contributors on GitHub.
Please update the and submit a Pull Request on GitHub.
MIT Copyright (c) 2016 blacktop