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Owl 1.0.4 - (Swift 5.x+)

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@malcommac malcommac released this 23 May 15:33
· 54 commits to master since this release

Released on: 2019-05-23


  • #15 Fixed an issue which causes wrong element in return of elementAt() function for both TableDirector and CollectionDirector
  • #14 Fixed an issue with override functions of the ReusableViewProtocol; both reuseIdentifier and reusableViewSource properties you need to add to your cell subclass are now moved inside the adapters both for view and cells (CollectionAdapter/TableAdapter for cells, TableHeaderFooterAdapter/CollectionHeaderFooterAdapter for header/footer. In these classes you will found two similar properties called reusableViewIdentifier and reusableViewLoadSource. See the section 3.4 of the documentation for more infos.