GoogleDrive.jl provides support for downloading files from Google-Drive on top of Datadeps.
The package can be installed using the julia package manager in the normal way..
Open the REPL, press ] to enter package mode, and then:
pkg> add GoogleDrive
drive_download(URL, localdir)
Download flie from Google drive. The above function only Download file from google drive.
Provide URL that can be use as link for registering in Datadeps
google_download(URL, localdir)
It can also be consider as "maybe google download function"
The function can be used to download file from google-drive,google-sheets or HTTP download method
This package is build on top of DataDeps.jl. To configure, e.g., where downloaded files save to, and read from (and to understand how that works), see the DataDeps.jl readme.
Load the package with
julia> using GoogleDrive
Downloading CSV file from google_drive using google_download function
┌ Info: Downloading
│ source = ""
│ dest = "/home/iamtejas/Downloads/InternshipsToApplyFor-Sheet1.csv"
│ progress = NaN
│ time_taken = "0.05 s"
│ time_remaining = "NaN s"
│ average_speed = "84.961 KiB/s"
│ downloaded = "4.163 KiB"
│ remaining = "∞ B"
└ total = "∞ B"
Contributions, in the form of bug-reports, pull requests, additional documentation are encouraged. They can be made to the Github repository.
All contributions and communications should abide by the Julia Community Standards.
Code:- Peter Cheng ,HTTPS