Releases: main-branch/command_line_boss
Releases · main-branch/command_line_boss
Release v0.2.0
v0.2.0 (2024-10-10)
Changes since v0.1.0:
- 4a6ace7 build: remove semver pr label check
- 05918a3 build: enforce conventional commit message formatting
- e5f91d1 Clarify purpose of the gem in the README
- ca16af0 Fix TargetRubyVersion Comment
- 30eef5d Use shared Rubocop config
- bbe9fe2 Update links in gemspec
- c167adc Add Slack badge for this project in README
- c442a80 Update yardopts with new standard options
- f9be39f Standardize YARD and Markdown Lint configurations
- bc7b9ae Update CODEOWNERS file
- 3879f0a Set JRuby —debug option when running tests in GitHub Actions workflows
- af10f27 Integrate simplecov-rspec into the project
- 22b1364 Update continuous integration and experimental ruby builds
- 2e2fa87 Enforce the use of semver tags on PRs
- 4464e2c Fix
Release v0.1.0
v0.1.0 (2024-07-03)
- 8051772 Remove JRuby build
- 6c60ac0 Integrate turnip for testing
- 07a983d Update CodeClimate test reporter id
- d605a91 Remove the JRuby windows build
- da7b1d3 Use minimum supported Ruby (3.1) on Windows
- bcbddef Define the CI build with Github Actions
- 0c9be2b Add create_github_release to the project
- ef55727 Define default rake task
- 541f2f8 Integrate YARD
- aa171ea Autocorrect all rubocop offenses
- c151f47 Integrate Rubocop
- ba8054e Integrate RSpec
- 421ea2d Add gem build to Rakefile, exclude /Gemfile.lock, fix rubocop typo
- d9a9cd6 Integrate Bundler Audit
- b38761f Start with an empty Rakefile
- 3972ad8 Define homepage, source, changelog, and doc links
- 4c1fdf8 Allow the CommandLineBoss gem to be pushed to rubygems
- 81ea3e2 Require Ruby 3.1.0 or later
- 4b5fc63 Set gemspec summary and description
- f5ed145 Move dev dependencies to the gemspec
- 6cafbd0 Generated version