MailSlurp is a free API for creating email accounts. Send and receive emails from Dart and Flutter code and tests.
dart pub add mailslurp
First configure the default api client with your MailSlurp API Key:
import 'package:mailslurp/api.dart';
defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('API_KEY').apiKey = 'YOUR_MAILSLURP_API_KEY';
The MailSlurp Dart library exports controllers that map to the REST API. Controller methods return Futures that can be consumed in async methods.
var inboxController = InboxControllerApi();
// future result
Future<Inbox> inbox = inboxController.createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto());
// or async usage
void main() async {
var inbox = await inboxController.createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto());
You can create real email accounts using the InboxController:
test('can create email addresses', () async {
var inboxController = InboxControllerApi();
var inbox = await inboxController.createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto());
expect(inbox.emailAddress.contains("@mailslurp"), true);
Send emails using the InboxController with an inboxId
test('can send emails', () async {
var inboxController = InboxControllerApi();
var inbox = await inboxController.createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto());
var confirmation = await inboxController.sendEmailAndConfirm(,
sendEmailOptions: SendEmailOptions(
to: [inbox.emailAddress],
subject: "Test email",
body: "<html>My message</html>",
isHTML: true
Receive emails using the WaitForController with an inboxId
and a timeout.
test('can receive emails', () async {
var email = await waitForController.waitForLatestEmail(inboxId:, timeout: 30000, unreadOnly: true);
expect(email.subject, "Test email");
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:mailslurp/api.dart';
void main() async {
setUp(() {
// read api key from environment variable
var apiKey = Platform.environment["API_KEY"];
expect(apiKey != null, true);
// set api key and instantiate controllers
defaultApiClient.getAuthentication<ApiKeyAuth>('API_KEY').apiKey = apiKey;
test('can create email addresses', () async {
var inboxController = InboxControllerApi();
var inbox = await inboxController.createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto());
expect(inbox.emailAddress.contains("@mailslurp"), true);
test('can send and receive emails', () async {
var inboxController = InboxControllerApi();
var waitForController = WaitForControllerApi();
var inbox = await inboxController.createInboxWithOptions(CreateInboxDto());
var confirmation = await inboxController.sendEmailAndConfirm(,
sendEmailOptions: SendEmailOptions(
to: [inbox.emailAddress],
subject: "Test email",
body: "<html>My message</html>",
isHTML: true
var email = await waitForController.waitForLatestEmail(inboxId:, timeout: 30000, unreadOnly: true);
expect(email.subject, "Test email");