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manual tracking gym, adding Tworr env
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mahdinobar committed Mar 13, 2024
1 parent 62f0a72 commit a155731
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 30 deletions.
181 changes: 151 additions & 30 deletions spinup/backup_gym/gym/envs/classic_control/
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from gym import core, spaces
from gym.utils import seeding

from sympy import *
from sympy.physics.mechanics import LagrangesMethod, dynamicsymbols
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2024, IfA"
__credits__ = ["Mahdi Nobar"]
__license__ = ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,19 +80,123 @@ class TworrEnv(core.Env):

def __init__(self):
self.viewer = None
high = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, self.MAX_VEL_1, self.MAX_VEL_2])
low = -high
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=low, high=high, dtype=np.float32)
self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(3)
# states=[xt, yt, th1, th2, dth1, dth2, th1_hat, th2_hat, dth1_hat, dth2_hat]
high_s = np.array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
low_s = -high_s
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=low_s, high=high_s, dtype=np.float32)
high_a = np.array([0.1, 0.1])
low_a = -high_a
self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=low_a, high=high_a, dtype=np.float32)
self.state = None

def two_link_forward_kinematics(q, l1=1.0, l2=1.0):
"""Compute the forward kinematics. Returns the base-coordinate Cartesian
position of End-effector for a given joint angle vector. Optional
parameters l1 and l2 are the link lengths. The base is assumed to be at the
:param q: two-element list or ndarray with [q1, q2] joint angles
:param l1: length of link 1
:param l2: length of link 2
:return: two-element ndarrays with [x,y] locations of End-Effector
x = l1 * np.cos(q[0]) + l2 * np.cos(q[0] + q[1])
y = l1 * np.sin(q[0]) + l2 * np.sin(q[0] + q[1])
return x, y

def two_link_inverse_kinematics(x, y, l1=1.0, l2=1.0):
"""Compute two inverse kinematics solutions for a target end position. The
target is a Cartesian position vector (two-element ndarray) in world
coordinates, and the result vectors are joint angles as ndarrays [q0, q1].
If the target is out of reach, returns the closest pose.
:param target: two-element list or ndarray with [x1, y] target position
:param l1: optional proximal link length
:param l2: optional distal link length
:return: tuple (solution1, solution2) of two-element ndarrays with q1, q2 angles
# find the position of the point in polar coordinates
r = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2)
# phi is the angle of target point w.r.t. -Y axis, same origin as arm
phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
alpha = np.arccos((l1 ** 2 + l2 ** 2 - r ** 2) / (2 * l1 * l2))
beta = np.arccos((r ** 2 + l1 ** 2 - l2 ** 2) / (2 * l1 * r))
soln1 = np.array((phi - beta, np.pi - alpha))
soln2 = np.array((phi + beta, np.pi + alpha))
return soln1, soln2

def two_link_inverse_dynamics(th, dth, ddth, m1=1, m2=1, l1=1, l2=1):
"""Compute two inverse dynamics solutions for a target end position.
:param th:
:param dth:
:param ddth:
:param m1:
:param m2:
:param l1:
:param l2:
:return: tau1, tau2
r1 = l1 / 2
r2 = l2 / 2
Iz1 = m1 * l1 ** 2 / 12
Iz2 = m2 * l2 ** 2 / 12
alpha = Iz1 + Iz2 + m1 * r1 ** 2 + m2 * (l1 ** 2 + l2 ** 2)
beta = m2 * l1 * r2
sigma = Iz2 + m2 * r2 ** 2
tau1 = (alpha + 2 * beta * np.cos(th[1])) * ddth[0] + (sigma + beta * np.cos(th[1])) * ddth[1] + (
-beta * np.sin(th[1]) * dth[1]) * dth[1] + (-beta * np.sin(th[1]) * (dth[0] + dth[1]) * dth[1])
tau2 = (sigma + beta * np.cos(th[1])) * ddth[0] + sigma * ddth[1] + (beta * np.sin(th[1]) * dth[0] * dth[0])
return tau1, tau2

def two_link_forward_dynamics(tau1, tau2, s_init, m1=1, m2=1, l1=1, l2=1):
"""Compute two inverse dynamics solutions for a target end position.
:param th:
:param dth:
:param ddth:
:param m1:
:param m2:
:param l1:
:param l2:
:return: th1, dth1, th2, dth2
# Define derivative function
def f(t, s):
r1 = l1 / 2
r2 = l2 / 2
Iz1 = m1 * l1 ** 2 / 12
Iz2 = m2 * l2 ** 2 / 12
alpha = Iz1 + Iz2 + m1 * r1 ** 2 + m2 * (l1 ** 2 + l2 ** 2)
beta = m2 * l1 * r2
sigma = Iz2 + m2 * r2 ** 2
d11 = alpha + 2 * beta * np.cos(s[2])
d21 = sigma + beta * np.cos(s[2])
d12 = d21
d22 = sigma
c = -beta * np.sin(s[2])
dsdt = [s[1], d12 * d22 / (d12 * d21 - d11 * d22) * (
tau2 / d22 - tau1 / d12 - c / d22 * s[1] ** 2 + (c + c) / d12 * s[1] * s[3] + c / d12 * s[
3] ** 2),
s[3], d11 * d21 / (d11 * d22 - d12 * d21) * (
tau2 / d21 - tau1 / d11 - c / d21 * s[1] ** 2 + (c + c) / d11 * s[1] * s[3] + c / d11 *
s[3] ** 2)]
return dsdt
# Define time spans, initial values, and constants
tspan = np.linspace(0, 1, 2)
# Solve differential equation
sol = solve_ivp(lambda t, s: f(t, s),
[tspan[0], tspan[-1]], s_init, t_eval=tspan, rtol=1e-5)
# Plot states
state_plotter(sol.t, sol.y, 1)
return sol.y

def seed(self, seed=None):
self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
return [seed]

def reset(self):
self.state = self.np_random.uniform(low=-0.1, high=0.1, size=(4,))
# TODO check difference bw state and observation?
self.state = self.np_random.uniform(low=-0.1, high=0.1, size=(12,))
return self._get_ob()

def step(self, a):
Expand All @@ -98,37 +207,47 @@ def step(self, a):
if self.torque_noise_max > 0:
torque += self.np_random.uniform(-self.torque_noise_max, self.torque_noise_max)

# Now, augment the state with our force action so it can be passed to
# _dsdt
s_augmented = np.append(s, torque)

ns = rk4(self._dsdt, s_augmented, [0, self.dt])
# only care about final timestep of integration returned by integrator
ns = ns[-1]
ns = ns[:4] # omit action
# ns_continuous = integrate.odeint(self._dsdt, self.s_continuous, [0, self.dt])
# self.s_continuous = ns_continuous[-1] # We only care about the state
# at the ''final timestep'', self.dt

ns[0] = wrap(ns[0], -pi, pi)
ns[1] = wrap(ns[1], -pi, pi)
ns[2] = bound(ns[2], -self.MAX_VEL_1, self.MAX_VEL_1)
ns[3] = bound(ns[3], -self.MAX_VEL_2, self.MAX_VEL_2)
self.state = ns
terminal = self._terminal()
reward = -1. if not terminal else 0.
return (self._get_ob(), reward, terminal, {})
m1 = 1
m2 = 1
l1 = 1
l2 = 1

# choose a sample target position to test IK
xt = 0.5
yt = 0.6
q_hat_soln1, q_hat_soln2 = two_link_inverse_kinematics(xt, yt, l1, l2)
print("The following solutions should reach endpoint position %s: %s OR %s" % (
np.array((xt, yt)), q_hat_soln1, q_hat_soln2))
# TODO correct for observation:
dth = np.array((0.1, 0.1)) # TODO
ddth = np.array((0.1, 0.1)) # TODO
tau1_hat, tau2_hat = two_link_inverse_dynamics(q_hat_soln1, dth, ddth)
print("ID torques for first IK solution:", np.array((tau1_hat, tau2_hat)))

# s_init=[th1_init,dth1_init,th2_init,dth2_init]
s_init = [q_hat_soln1[0], dth[0], q_hat_soln1[1], dth[1]]
q_FD = self.two_link_forward_dynamics(tau1_hat+a[0], tau2_hat+a[1], s_init)

self.state=obs #TODO

terminal = self._terminal() #TODO
reward = -1. if not terminal else 0. #TODO

# given action it returns 4-tuple (observation, reward, done, info)
return (obs, reward, terminal, {})

def _get_ob(self):
s = self.state
return np.array([cos(s[0]), sin(s[0]), cos(s[1]), sin(s[1]), s[2], s[3]])
return 1

def _terminal(self):
s = self.state
return bool(-cos(s[0]) - cos(s[1] + s[0]) > 1.)
return 1

def _dsdt(self, s_augmented, t):
# todo check purpose
m1 = self.LINK_MASS_1
m2 = self.LINK_MASS_2
l1 = self.LINK_LENGTH_1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,6 +323,7 @@ def close(self):
self.viewer = None

def wrap(x, m, M):
# TODO remove?
:param x: a scalar
:param m: minimum possible value in range
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,6 +353,7 @@ def bound(x, m, M=None):

def rk4(derivs, y0, t, *args, **kwargs):
# TODO remove?
Integrate 1D or ND system of ODEs using 4-th order Runge-Kutta.
This is a toy implementation which may be useful if you find
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