Includes code by:
Nick Hale and John Burkardt - Gauss-Legendre nodes and weights
Leslie Greengard and June-Yub Lee - some fortran test codes from CMCL
Compute various exponential sums involving arbitrary point distributions in optimal time. See the manual.
For the basic libraries
- C++ compiler
- GNU make
- Optional OpenMP (the makefile can be adjusted for single-threaded)
For the fotran wrappers
- Fortran compiler (see settings in the makefile)
On a fedora linux system, the dependencies can be installed as follows:
sudo yum install git fftw3 fftw3-devel libgomp
On Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install git libfftw3-dev
- Clone using git (or checkout using svn, or download as a zip -- see green button above)
- Copy makefile.dist to makefile and edit for your system
- Compile using:
This will compile the library then run a set of multi-threaded and single-threaded speed tests
Other useful make modes include:
make test1d # small accuracy test for components in 1D. Analogously for 2D, 3D
make spreadtestnd # benchmark the spreader routines, all dimensions
make examples/testutils # test various low-level utilities
make nufft # compile the library without testing
make fortran # compile and test the fortran interfaces
: main library source and headers.examples
: test codes (drivers) which verify libaries are working correctly, perform speed tests, and show how to call them.examples/
: benchmark and display accuracy for all types and dimensions (3x3 = 9 in total) of NUFFT at fixed requested toleranceexamples/ [dim]
: sweep over all tolerances checking the spreader and NUFFT at a single dimension; [dim] is 1, 2, or 3examples/results
: accuracy and timing outputs.contrib
: 3rd-party code.fortran
: wrappers and drivers for Fortran.matlab
: wrappers and examples for MATLAB. (Not yet working)devel
: various obsolete or in-development codes (experts only)doc
: the manual (not yet there)
: GNU makefile (user should first copy tomakefile
C++ is used for all main libraries, although without much object-oriented code. C++ complex ("dcomplex") and FFTW complex types are mixed within the library, since it is a glorified driver for FFTW, but has dcomplex interfaces and test codes. FFTW was considered universal and essential enough to be a dependency for the whole package.
As a spreading kernel function, we use an unpublished simplification of the Kaiser--Bessel kernel, which at high requested precisions achieves roughly half the kernel width achievable by a truncated Gaussian. Our kernel is of the form exp(-beta.sqrt(1-(2x/W)^2)), where W = nspread is the full kernel width in grid units. This (and Kaiser--Bessel) are good approximations to the prolate spheroidal wavefunction of order zero (PSWF), being the functions of given support [-W/2,W/2] whose Fourier transform has minimal L2 norm outside a symmetric interval. The PSWF frequency parameter (see [ORZ]) is c = pi.(1-1/2R).W where R is the upsampling parameter (currently R=2.0).
References for this include:
[ORZ] Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions of Order Zero: Mathematical Tools for Bandlimited Approximation. A. Osipov, V. Rokhlin, and H. Xiao. Springer (2013).
[KK] Chapter 7. System Analysis By Digital Computer. F. Kuo and J. F. Kaiser. Wiley (1967).
[FS] Nonuniform fast Fourier transforms using min-max interpolation. J. A. Fessler and B. P. Sutton. IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., 51(2):560-74, (Feb. 2003)
This code builds upon the CMCL NUFFT, and the Fortran wrappers duplicate its interfaces. For this the following are references:
[GL] Accelerating the Nonuniform Fast Fourier Transform. L. Greengard and J.-Y. Lee. SIAM Review 46, 443 (2004).
[LG] The type 3 nonuniform FFT and its applications. J.-Y. Lee and L. Greengard. J. Comput. Phys. 206, 1 (2005).
The original NUFFT analysis using truncated Gaussians is:
[DR] Fast Fourier Transforms for Nonequispaced data. A. Dutt and V. Rokhlin. SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 14, 1368 (1993).
- installation instructions on various linux flavors
- MAC OSX test, put in makefile
- nf1 (etc) size check before alloc, exit gracefully if exceeds RAM?
- test non-openmp compile
- make common.cpp shuffle routines dcomplex interface and native dcomplex arith (remove a bunch of 2* in indexing, and have no fftw_complex refs in them. However, need first to make sure using complex divide isn't slower than real divide used now). Fix the calling from finufft?d?
- theory work on exp(sqrt) being close to PSWF
- figure out why bottom out ~ 1e-10 err for big arrays in 1d. unavoidable roundoff? small arrays get to 1e-14.
- Checkerboard per-thread grid cuboids, compare speed in 2d and 3d against current 1d slicing.
- decide to cut down intermediate copies of input data eg xj -> xp -> xjscal -> xk2 to save RAM in large problems?
- single-prec compile option for RAM-intensive problems?
- test BIGINT -> long long slows any array access down, or spreading? allows I/O sizes (M, N1N2N3) > 2^31. Note June-Yub int*8 in nufft-1.3.x slowed things by factor 2-3.
- matlab wrappers, mcwrap issue w/ openmp, mex, and subdirs. Ship mex executables for linux, osx, etc.
- matlab wrappers need ier output?
- python wrappers
- license file
- outreach, alert Dan Foreman-Mackey re
- doc/manual
- boilerplate stuff as in CMCL page
- clean up tree, remove devel and unused contrib
- Flatiron logo
- efficient modulo in spreader, done by conditionals
- removed data-zeroing bug in t-II spreader, slowness of large arrays in t-I.
- clean dir tree
- spreader dir=1,2 math tests in 3d, then nd.
- Jeremy's request re only computing kernel vals needed (actually was vital for efficiency in dir=1 openmp version), Ie fix KB ker eval in spreader so doesn't wdo 3d fill when 1 or 2 will do.
- spreader removed modulo altogether in favor of ifs
- OpenMP spreader, all dims
- multidim spreader test, command line args and bash driver
- cnufft->finufft names, except spreader still called cnufft
- make ier report accuracy out of range, malloc size errors, etc
- moved wrappers to own directories so the basic lib is clean
- fortran wrapper added ier argument
- types 1,2 in all dims, using 1d kernel for all dims.
- fix twopispread so doesn't create dummy ky,kz, and fix sort so doesn't ever access unused ky,kz dims.
- cleaner spread and nufft test scripts
- build universal ndim Fourier coeff copiers in C and use for finufft
- makefile opts and compiler directives to link against FFTW.
- t-I, t-II convergence params test: R=M/N and KB params
- overall scale factor understand in KB
- check J's bessel10 approx is ok.
- meas speed of I_0 for KB kernel eval
- understand origin of dfftpack (netlib fftpack is real*4)
- [spreader: make compute_sort_indices sensible for 1d and 2d. not needed]
- next235even for nf's
- switched pre/post-amp correction from DFT of kernel to F series (FT) of kernel, more accurate
- Gauss-Legendre quadrature for direct eval of kernel FT, openmp since cexp slow
- optimize q (# G-L nodes) for kernel FT eval on reg and irreg grids (common.cpp). Needs q a bit bigger than like (2-3x the PTR, when 1.57x is expected). Why?
- type 3 segfault in dumb case of nj=1 (SX product = 0). By keeping gam>1/S
- optimize that phi(z) kernel support is only +-(nspread-1)/2, so w/ prob 1 you only use nspread-1 pts in the support. Could gain several % speed for same acc.
- new simpler kernel entirely
- cleaned up set_nf calls and removed params from within core libs
- test isign=-1
- type 3 in 2d, 3d
- style: headers should only include other headers needed to compile the .h; all other headers go in .cpp, even if that involves repetition I guess.
- changed library interface and twopispread to dcomplex
- fortran wrappers (rmdir greengard_work, merge needed into fortran)