File system monitor with REST API, detects changes in added folders,
information about folders is accessible thought REST API.
Can be used with UNIX file system as well as Windows,
All display paths is unix style.
Spring Boot, Elastic Search 7, PostgreSQL, Java 8
- Run elastic on your system
- Create index on first start
- Add folder
- Navigate thought filesystem
Download ES 7.6.1 and run it.
Default port is 9200
Will create elasticsearch index
This will add catalog
Requires json body to be send with name of catalog and path:
{"name":"MyCatalog", "path":"D:\\Mycatalog"}
Name and real name of catalog can differ.
Get list of added catalogs
Get only folders from particular root catalog
File explorer.
Everything after /explorer/ is treated as "parent" property from
elastic mapping.
will get all content from "Test" folder
will get content from "/Test/Sub" folder
will get content from "/Test/Sub2" folder