ActiveData - ElasticSearch17 and Py2.7 setup
Step-1: Install python2.7
In windows powershell
new-alias python27 c:\python27\python.exe
cd c:\ActiveData
python27 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python27 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Step-2: Install ES1.7 using this link
( The ES17 from .... was quirky and the service was giving errs to start. so used this to easily start the ES service )
Step-3: modify config file in ES to add these lines to the top
script.inline: on
script.indexed: on
http.compression: true maggie_dev
(a) Ensure ElasticSearch service is running
Goto c:/ElasticSearch171
Or open the ElasticSearch Terminal and then run "net start elasticsearch"
(b) Run these steps to access the ActiveData Query Tool
Open GitBash
cd c:/ActiveData
alias python27=c:/python27/python.exe
python27 active_data/ --settings=resources/config/simple_settings.json
(a) Open http://localhost:5000
You Win should be displayed.
(b) Access http://localhost:5000/tools/query.html
You should be able to see the ActiveData Query Tool
Unit Test Results:
** Unit Test Results are here in this link **
As the next step, we will try to stop the Elastic Search 1.7.1 service and then install Version 5.x and check how it executes for unit testing.
Here is how we stop the elastic search 1.7.1 service.
And then , downloaded this exe to check how it runs ...
full link to the exe
Downloaded the above link.... but didn't execute it bcos I thought , I would directly download the latest version from itself.
So, here is the direct link for
V5.2.2 is the latest as of the time of this writing.
Other latest releases could be found at
Elastic Search 5.2.2 has been installed in a separate directory and then bin/elasticsearch.bat was exectd. It appears that the elastic service is up and running for version 5.2.2
(Please ignore the highlight of the localhost:port in the above image... it is just the transportation service that runs in 9300 port which is not of importance. The following line kicks the HttpServer service in port 9200 and that is what of interest to us. So , please ignore the highlights in the image )
Next step.... Run the same unit tests again using ES 5.2.2 service....
the configuration for app_dev and all_tests could be done withing PyCharm IDE. I use PyCharm Community Edition. Here is how active_data app_dev configuration would look like, as shown in this screenshot.
no changes to the logs tab.
the configuration for all_tests could be done withint PyCharm IDE. Here is how all_tests configuration would look like, as shown in this screenshot.
no changes to the logs tab
tags: activedata , active_data , active data app_dev , all_tests , elasticsearch , es , elastic search , elastic_search , es5, es-head this is an active_data activedata setup repo. forked repo is at