this scripts will allow us to seperate 32-bit and 64-bit installation
{arch} is either 32 or 64wine-{arch} [path of exe program]
exececute an exe program
this scipt will run an exe program with {arch}-bit environment if the default path was not yet created, it will create a new one default path: /home/unknown-user/.wine{arch} for user unknown-user
wine-{arch} -t [winetricks program]
install a program included in winetricks for example, when installing .NET 4.5, this is the same as executing:
"winetricks dotnet45"
but the usage with this script should be:
"wine-{arch} -t dotnet45"
this is to ensure that you're executing winetricks on the correct directory (/home/unknown-user/.wine32)
wine-{arch} -c
execute winecfg on correct directory (/home/unknown-user/.wine{arch})
wine-64 -r
NOTE: this will delete the installation path /home/unknown-user/.wine{arch}. and install a fresh installation of windows environment
wine{arch} -h
(skip 1-3 if you already do so)
1.) make sure that you added the x86 architecture by executing:
2.) sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
then update your packages by executing sudo apt update
3.) install wine and winetricks
sudo apt install wine wine32 wine64 wine-stable winetricks
4.) Download the repo in zip here or fire up terminal and execute
git clone https://
change directory to the repo
cd wine-32-64-env
6.)make the scripts executable
chmod +x wine-32 wine-64
7.) move the script file to be able to execute it system-wide
sudo mv wine-32 wine-64 /usr/local/bin
8.) execute wine-32
to get a 32-bit installation or wine-64
for 64-bit