A restful http api for ansible python version >= 3.7
Ansible is a radically simple IT automation system. If you are trying to use it and not like CLI, you can try me now. I can provide you use ansible by A RESTful HTTP Api and a realtime processing message (websocket api), you can see all details.
- 0.5.0 replace tornado with sanic, more lightly (python>=3.7)
- 0.3.0 using ansible-runner as middleware
- 0.2.6 adaptive ansible 2.6.4 and add asynchronization mode
- 0.2.2 optimize log
- 0.2.1 optimize log and allow mutil-instance in the same host
- 0.2.0 support websocket, remove code invaded in ansible
- [preparatory work] python version >= 3.7 (use asyncio featrue)
pip3 install ansible-api
- default configuration: /etc/ansible/api.cfg
- start:
ansible-api -c [Configfile, Optional] -d [Daemon Mode, Optional]
eg: ansible-api -c /etc/ansible/api.cfg -d > /dev/null &