Quickly open a scratchpad buffer, write some code and execute the contents using SuperCollider.
sc-scratchpad allows the user to quickly pop open a throwaway buffer for experimentation with sclang code. You can use this buffer as a scratchpad for messing around with the SuperCollider language, trying out methods or doing other small code experiments that you don't want to have inserted into your main code files.
You need NVim >= 0.5 to use this plugin.
This plugin uses nui.nvim for the UI and it needs to be installed along side this plugin as well as scnvim for the SuperCollider stuff.
Using vim-plugin:
Plug 'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim'
Plug 'davidgranstrom/scnvim'
Plug 'madskjeldgaard/sc-scratchpad.nvim'
Using packer.nvim:
use {
requires = { 'MunifTanjim/nui.nvim', 'davidgranstrom/scnvim' },
after = {'scnvim'},
config = function()
keymaps = {
toggle = "<space>", -- Open/close buffer
send = "<C-e>", -- Send and close
open_insertmode = true -- Open scratchpad buffer in insertmode
By default, pressing the space bar in a supercollider buffer will open up a temporary sc-scratchpad buffer. Put some code in and then press space or C-e
to execute it.
keymaps = {
toggle = "<space>", -- Open/close buffer
send = "<C-e>", -- Send and close
border = "double", -- "double", "none", "rounded", "shadow", "single" or "solid"
position = "50%",
width = "50%",
height = "50%",
firstline = "// Scratchpad",
open_insertmode = true, -- Open scratchpad buffer in insertmode
close_on_execution = false -- Should the window automatically close on exec?