Transpiler from Solidity to Ligo language for easier migrating to Tezos 🚀️
This project is Solidity to LIGO syntax converter and transpiler. It takes a .sol
file as an input, parses it and yields PascalLIGO code as a result.
It is able to convert conditionals, loops, functions and many more. Also it can emulate state and create router for multple entrypoints.
The project is in EXPERIMENTAL: it may crash or silently skip some statements, resulting code may be insecure or even plain wrong. Please do not deploy anything without prior review and audit.
Input solidity code
contract FooBarContract {
function foo(uint number) internal returns (int) {
string[2] memory arr = ["hello", "world"];
bool isEven = number % 2 == 0;
int result = 42 * 42;
return isEven ? -1 : result;
Translated LIGO code
function foo (const self : state; const number : nat) : (state * int) is
block {
const arr : map(nat, string) = map
0n -> "hello";
1n -> "world";
const isEven : bool = ((number mod 2n) = 0n);
const result : int = (42 * 42);
} with (self, (case isEven of | True -> -(1) | False -> result end));
To further check out what this utility can produce, please refer to examples
directory and Readme there:
You need to have NodeJS installed on your machine. It was tested and developed using NodeJS v.10.13.0, but it’s expected to work on versions starting from v6.x.x up to v12.x.x
We suggest using node version manger (like nvm)
curl -o- | bash
# relogin or source ~/.bashrc
nvm i 12
To try it out you will need Node.js, NPM and Iced Coffee Script
npm i -g iced-coffee-script
npm i -g madfish-solutions/sol2ligo
Optional. You can install ligo compiler for tests
curl -o /tmp/ligo.deb
dpkg -i /tmp/ligo.deb
sol2ligo <filename>
After transpiling you are likely gonna need to modify and thorougly audit the generated code. Follow transpiler warnings and comments inside the code to get more insight on what has to be done.
You need clone github repository and install packages
git clone
cd sol2ligo
npm ci
For full test run
npm test
For quick testing run (requires ligo)
npm run test-ext-compiler-fast
To run specific test case
npm run test-specific <test-name>
Other tests
# same as test, but excluding solidity_samples
npm run test-fast
# same ast test-ext-compiler-fast, but with solidity_samples (usually produces a lot of ligo errors)
npm run test-ext-compiler
# special tests with launch ligo dry-run (head-to-head compare ligo result vs eth ganache result)
npm run test-emulator
To add sol2ligo as a dependency, you need to install Iced Coffee Script first:
npm i -g iced-coffee-script
npm i madfish-solutions/sol2ligo
Then use sol2ligo.compile
function like this:
const sol2ligo = require("sol2ligo");
pragma solidity ^0.5.12;
contract FooBarContract {
function foo(uint number) internal returns (int) {
string[2] memory arr = ["hello", "world"];
bool isEven = number % 2 == 0;
int result = 42 * 42;
return isEven ? -1 : result;
}`, {
// you can specify compilation options here
The second argument opt
is optional. It's an object that can have these possible fields:
solc_version: String, // override solc version specified in pragma
suggest_solc_version: String, // (default: 0.4.26) suggested solc version if pragma is not specified
auto_version: Boolean, // (default: true) setting this to false disables reading solc version from pragma
allow_download: Boolean, // (default: true) download solc catalog
router: Boolean, // (default: true) generate router
contract: String, // (default: <last contract>) name of contract to generate router for
replace_enums_by_nats: Boolean, // (default: true) transform enums to number constants
debug: Boolean // (default: false) self explanatory
When deciding which Solidity compiler version to use, solc_version
has the highest priority. If solc_version
is not specified, sol2ligo
uses solc version from the pragma
directive in sol_code. If pragma
is absent too, or if auto_version
is set to false
, suggest_solc_version
, which has the least priority, will be used.
If allow_download
is false
and no necessary solc version is found in the solc catalog, compilation fails with an error.
The function returns an object with the following fields:
errors: Array,
warnings: Array,
ligo_code: String,
default_state: String,
prevent_deploy: Boolean
Check out wiki for the knowledge base