Everything is better with friends: Using SAS in Python applications with SASPy and open-source tools
Materials from a Tutorial at SAS Global Forum in Washington, D.C., on March 20, 2020. (The conference was unfortunately cancelled, due to COVID-19 concerns.)
Materials provided:
Setup instructions for replicating examples discussed in the tutorial video at https://youtu.be/YL8xV0AOcMc
Four Example files:
Setup instructions for replicating the dataset-explorer demo discussed at the end of tutorial video
The Jupyter Notebook example files assume SAS University Edition (https://www.sas.com/en_us/software/university-edition/download-software.html) is being used, with a Python 3 kernel associated with each file.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
This project is in no way affiliated with SAS Institute Inc.