Overview that explains what this project is about.
If appropriate, explain how to install/build this project.
In order for Github Actions/Workflows to run you will need to create a GITFLOW_PAT
personal access token in Github that gives access rights to the repo.
You then need to add this as an Actions
secret to the github respository.
Note the same PAT needs to be added to the dependabot secrets.
- Links to where the reference documents live, including API reference docs.
- Links to important things like the JIRA project associated with this git project.
If appropriate, describe the revision history.
- To contribute to the repository use the following:
git clone <ENTER SSH HERE>
cd reponame
git lfs install
git checkout -b feature/feature_name
git add <files>
git commit -m "Add my feature"
git push origin feature/feature_name
- Create virtual environment
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate (linux) or source .venv/Scripts/activate (windows)