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How to contribute

Thomas Florio edited this page Apr 30, 2023 · 1 revision

Contributions to the project are very welcome. If you want to contribute code or translation you can do it by forking the project and creating a pull request. If you're not familiar with the process, the step are:

  1. If it's your first contribution, create a fork of the repository and clone it locally. If not update your fork from upstream.
  2. Create a new branch from master.
  3. Work on your contribution in your fork. Freely commit and push any time you want.
  4. Once your work is complete, create a pull request against master. It's advisable to rebase your branch on the latest version of master and to streamline the commit history in order to simplify the review process.
  5. Once the review of your pull request is completed successfully, your change will be merged.

Code contribution

You can submit fixes or implement new feature. Please make sure that:

  • Your code style is consistent with the rest of the project
  • The documentation is up to date
  • The changelog is up to date

When you are ready, create the pull request against the master branch. In order to simplify the review process, it is advisable to rebase your branch on top of the latest master and to streamline the commit history. Once the pull request is open, additional automatic checks will be performed. Please make sure those tests are all green and fix any issue reported if they're not. If any comments are raised on your pull request, be ready to answer and address them.

In general, at the end of the process your contribution will be accepted.

Translation contributions

You can use any tool compatible with the gettext format to localize the extension in your language. Please refer to the page Translating the extension for more information.

Wiki contributions

You can also update the wiki if you see parts that are not clear/up to date. To do that, you can follow the following procedure:

  1. Manually create a fork of the wiki on your Github account:
    1. Create a new repository on your GitHub account. Let's call it "gnome-github-manager-wiki".
    2. Clone the wiki repo to your local machine somewhere:
      git clone [email protected]:mackdk/
    3. Change the remote "origin" to match your repository (make sure the name matches the repository you created):
      git remote set-url origin [email protected]:<YOUR_USERNAME>/gnome-github-manager-wiki.git
    4. Push the code to your repository:
      git push -u origin master
  2. Make your proposed changes. You can freely push at any time to your GitHub account with a normal git push.
  3. Once done, creae a ticket in the gnome-github-manager issue tracker requesting to review your changes and merge them in. Please be sure to include the link to your repo and describe what are the changes.

Other contributions

You can also contribute by suggesting new features and improvements. Feel free to use the discussion board to describe your ideas. If you find a bug or some unexpected behaviour, please report it by creating an issue if not already tracked.