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Jens Malessa edited this page Nov 28, 2024 · 25 revisions

Adding Your Custom Items

As detailed in "How it works" Outset runs script and packages from a set of defined processing folders located at /usr/local/outset/. There are a number of options for getting your content into these folders

PKG tools and information

Whitebox Packages

The Luggage

AutoPKG -> OutsetPayloadPkgReqd

Introduction to Packaging

If you're new to packaging and you want to learn all the nitty gritty you can buy this ebook:

There is also the #packaging channel on the MacAdmins Slack for discussion and asking questions around packaging.

Outset 4 - outset-pkg

Outset 4 comes with a small utility script to help package your outset workflow items into a deployable package.

This is intended as a starting point to creating packages specifically for outset and does not replace any existing packaging workflows you may already be using.


outset-pkg does not perform any signing or notarization tasks so you will need to take this into account if that is required. Most software management tools can deploy and install unsigned packages but check with your vendor.

Check the --help for available arguments and options if they differ from what is presented here

How to use:

OVERVIEW: outset-pkg is a utility that packages files for use in outset workflows.

USAGE: outset-pkg --all [<options>] | --file <filename> [<options>]

    -a, --all                 Package all scripts from outset processing directories into one package
    -f, --file <filename>     Package the selected file
    -x, --make-executable     Ensure the selected file executable bit is set (only applies to script files)
    -t, --target <directory>  Target processing directory (default 'login-once')
    -s, --postinstall-script [<filename>]
                              Include a postinstall script. If no argument is given, a standard postinstall
                              script to trigger on-demand will be included.
    -v, --version, <number>   Set package version to the selected number (default is '1.0')
    -p, --build-path, <path>  Path to use as the build location (default /var/tmp/outset)
    -h, --help                Print this message

Build Source Arguments:

Requires one of --file <path> [--target <directory>] OR --all

-f, --file

To package an individual script you need at minimum a --file to package.

./outset-pkg --file /path/to/some/

This will create /var/tmp/outset/outset-login-once-script.sh_v1.0.pkg which install the file to /usr/local/outset/login-once/

-t, --target

For use with the --file option.

Builds the package with the specified deployment target directory. Valid arguments are:

  • boot-every
  • boot-once
  • login-every
  • login-once
  • login-privileged-every
  • login-privileged-once
  • login-window
  • on-demand

./outset-pkg --file /path/to/some/ --target login-privileged-every

-a, --all

Instead of building packages one by one for each single specified file, --all will build a single package using all of the processing directories and their contents in a local copy of /usr/local/outset/. Simply copy all your content to these folders locally.

Use this option if you want to deploy your entire outset workflow in one package (the main outset binary package should be deployed seperatly)

./outset-pkg -a                                                    
pkgbuild: Inferring bundle components from contents of /var/tmp/outset/PGKROOT
pkgbuild: Wrote package to /var/tmp/outset/outset-custom-content_v1.0.component.pkg
productbuild: Wrote product to /var/tmp/outset/outset-custom-content_v1.0.pkg
Package has been created at /var/tmp/outset/outset-custom-content_v1.0.pkg

Optional Arguments:

Use with either --file or -a

-p, --build-path

Will build the resulting package in the specified path.

./outset-pkg --file /path/to/some/ --build-path ~/Documents

Will save the built package to your Documents folder.

-v, --version

Specify the version of the package, e.g. 1.1,

Non numerical version numbers like 1.0a are not supported and will result in an error.

./outset-pkg --file /path/to/some/ --version 0.1

-h, --help

Prints usage text

Legacy Outset (3.0.3 or earlier)

Copy your custom packages and scripts to their respective working directories in the included custom-outset directory, and remove the example scripts.

Make sure any scripts you are adding have the executable bit. You may have to run chmod +x ./path/to/ to set this. The following makefile package building process should ensure your scripts are owned by root (UID 0) when the payload installs them to the disk (specific group membership is not required/checked, but outset does confirm the writable bit is NOT set on your scripts).

Note: The login context runs as the user, so you won't be able to install pkgs by putting them in login-once or login-every. If you cannot use the boot contexts for pkgs for any reason, add your packages or scripts to the login-privileged-once or login-privileged-every directories, and they will be processed as root when the user logs in.

Package Your Scripts

After you've added your custom packages and scripts, and removed the example scripts, change directories to custom-outset and open the Makefile in a Text Editor.

Edit the top 4 lines to change them from..

PROJECT="outset-custom" your own information:


Save the Makefile and then use it to package up your files:

$ cd ./name-of-custom-outset
$ make pkg

This will then display the following output:

rm -f ./outset*.pkg
rm -f ./pkgroot/usr/local/outset/*/*.pyc
pkgbuild --root pkgroot --identifier com.github.outset.custom --version "1.0.0" --ownership recommended ./"outset-custom"-"1.0.0".pkg
pkgbuild: Inferring bundle components from contents of pkgroot
pkgbuild: Wrote package to ./outset-custom-1.0.0.pkg

You will see a package called outset-custom-{VersionNumber}.pkg where "VersionNumber" is what is defined in the Makefile.

You can use this package with a management suite such as Munki or Jamf.