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@NightOwl888 NightOwl888 released this 18 Aug 15:07
· 350 commits to master since this release
  1. Bug: Removed extra whitespace in SiteMapTitleHelper.cshtml template that was appearing in the result.
  2. Feature: Added Unofficial Documentation section to the readme.
  3. Bug: Updated ComplierContants.txt documentation.
  4. Bug: Fix for allowForwardSearch option in menu #205.
  5. Feature: Added visibilityAffectsDescendants option to the Menu and SiteMapPath helpers. Set it to false to mimic v3 behavior, default is true. Fixes #202.
  6. Feature: Added Ancestors and Descendants properties to ISiteMapNode, as well as GetAncestors and GetDescendants methods to ISiteMap.
  7. Feature: Created unit tests for Menu and SiteMapPath helpers.
  8. Bug: Updated ReadMe files for DI modules to contain complete code examples for wiring MvcSiteMapProvider with an existing DI configuration.
  9. Feature: Added configuration setting MvcSiteMapProvider_EnableSitemapsXml (default true) to internal DI container setup so the /sitemap.xml route will be registered when adding the NuGet package to your project. The call to MvcSiteMapProvider.Web.Mvc.XmlSiteMapController.RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes) is no longer required when using the internal DI container, and should be removed.
  10. Bug: Fixed bugs in the SiteMapPathHelper logic that were causing it to display incorrectly (reverted logic to be the same as v3).