template<typename BiItr>
void insertion_sort(BiItr first, BiItr last) {
for (auto i = first + 1; i < last; ++i) {
auto key = *i;
auto j = i;
while (--j >= first && *j > key) *(j + 1) = *j;
*(j + 1) = key;
- Design technique - Incremental approach
- Insertion sort - quadratic function of n
- Worst-case * upper bound on the running time for any inputs
- Average-case - roughly as bad as worst-case
Consider the leading term of a formula Lower orders are less significant for larger values of n
- Break problems into several sub-problems
- Solve sub-problems recursively
- combine them to create a solution to the original problem
void merge_sort(itr first, itr last) {
if (last > first) {
auto middle = first + (last - first) / 2;
merge_sort(first, middle);
merge_sort(middle, last);
std::inplace_merge(first, middle, last);
// implementation for inplace_merge
template<typename itr>
void merge(itr first, itr middle, itr last) {
while (middle < last) {
auto key = *middle;
auto j = middle - 1;
while (j >= first && *j > key) {
*(j + 1) = *j;
*(j + 1) = key;
If there exists
x0, c1, c2
such that0 <= c1 g(x) <= f(x) <= c2 g(x) for all n >= n0
If there exists n0 and c1 such that
0 <= f(x) <= c1 g(x) for n >= n0
asymptotic upper bound
If there exists n0 and c1 such that
0 <= c1 g(x) <= f(x) for n >= n0
asymptotic lower bound
- same as O notation
- O notation may not be asymptotically tight
- o notation denotes upper bound which is not asymptotically tight
- O notation hold for some constant
c1 > 0
- o notation holds for all constant
c1 > 0
same as O vs o, here omega vs w.
- Find a sub-array such that highest sum of contiguous elements
- Array contains
numbers - 3 cases when divide the array into 2
- sub-array right
- sub-array left
- sub-array across two halves
- 3 Methods
- Bruit-force method
- Divide and conquer
- Kadane’s method
//bruit-force alogorithm
template<typename itr>
int bf_algo(itr first, itr last) {
auto m_s = 0;
for (auto i = first; i < last; ++i) {
auto cur = 0;
for (auto j = i; j < last; ++j) {
cur += *j;
m_s = std::max(m_s, cur);
return m_s;
//divide-conquir algorithm
template<typename itr>
int cr_algo(itr first, itr middle, itr last) {
auto c_l = 0, c_r = 0;
auto m_l = 0, m_r = 0;
for (auto i = middle - 1; i >= first; --i) {
c_l += *i;
m_l = std::max(m_l, c_l);
for (auto i = middle; i < last; ++i) {
c_r += *i;
m_r = std::max(m_r, c_r);
return m_l + m_r;
template<typename itr>
int dc_algo(itr first, itr last) {
if (first == last - 1) return *first;
auto middle = first + (last - first) / 2;
return std::max({dc_algo(first, middle), dc_algo(middle, last), cr_algo(first, middle, last)});
//kadanes algorithm
template<typename itr>
int kd_algo(itr first, itr last) {
auto m_s = 0, c_m = 0;
for (auto i = first; i < last; ++i) {
c_m = std::max(*i, c_m + *i);
m_s = std::max(m_s, c_m);
return m_s;
data structure nearly complete binary tree
tree completely filled except the lowest [which filled from left up to a point
length represent the total number of elements
- how many elements in the heap are stored with in array -
Two kinds of heaps [heap properties]
max-heap —> A[parent(i)] >= A[i]
min-heap —> A[parent(i)] <= A[i]
For heapsort max-heap is used.
max-heapify ==> O(log n)
build-max-heap ==> O(n)
heapsort ==> O(n log n)
parent(i) ==> return(i/2)
left(i) ==> return 2i
right(i) ==> return 2i + 1
constexpr auto left(std::size_t i) { return i << 1; }
constexpr auto right(std::size_t i) { return (i << 1) + 1; }
void max_heapify(std::vector<int>& vec, std::size_t i, std::size_t heap_size) {
auto l = left(i);
auto r = right(i);
auto largest = heap_size >= l && vec[l-1] > vec[i-1] ? l : i;
largest = heap_size >= r && vec[r-1] > vec[largest-1] ? r : largest;
if (largest != i) {
std::swap(vec[largest-1], vec[i-1]);
max_heapify(vec, largest, heap_size);
void build_max_heap(std::vector<int>& vec) {
for (auto j = vec.size() / 2; j > 0; --j) {
max_heapify(vec, j, vec.size());
void heap_sort(std::vector<int>& vec) {
auto heap_size = vec.size();
for (auto i = vec.size(); i > 1; --i) {
std::swap(vec[0], vec[i - 1]);
max_heapify(vec, 1, heap_size);
- maintain the max heap property{parent(i) >= i}
- all nodes under any node will follow the
- Which means all elements under the node will be lesser than the parent node.
- all nodes under any node will follow the
- After build heap first element is the largest
- Swap the first with the last, then call
on first. - Max
on first withheap_size - 1
will bring the second largest to first - continue till
heap_size > 1
will sort the elements
template<typename Itr, typename Comp>
void heapify(Itr first, Itr last, size_t i, Comp comp) {
auto l = left(i);
auto r = right(i);
const size_t distance = last - first;
auto index = l <= distance && comp(*(first + l - 1), *(first + i - 1)) ? l : i;
index = r <= distance && comp(*(first + r - 1), *(first + index - 1)) ? r : index;
if (index != i) {
std::swap(*(first + i - 1), *(first + index - 1));
heapify(first, last, index, comp);
template<typename Itr, typename Comp>
void build_heap(Itr first, Itr last, Comp comp) {
if (last -first < 2) return;
size_t distance = (last - first) / 2;
while (distance > 0) heapify(first, last, distance--, comp);
template<typename Itr, typename Comp>
void heap_sort(Itr first, Itr last, Comp comp) {
build_heap(first, last, comp);
while (last - first > 1)
heapify(++first, last, 1, comp);
- Data structure maintaining set of S elements associated with a key
- Operations supports
- Insert
- maximum
- extract-maximum
- Increase-key
- max-priority queues and min-priority queues
template<typename Itr, typename Comp>
void heap_max(Itr first, Itr last, Comp comp) {
std::swap(*first, *(last - 1));
heapify(first, last - 1, 1, comp);
template<typename Itr, typename C>
void heap_insert(Itr first, Itr last, C comp) {
size_t i = last - first;
while (i > 1 && comp(*(first + i - 1), *(first + parent(i) - 1))) {
std::swap(*(first + i - 1), *(first + parent(i) - 1));
i = parent(i);
Here max_element will be pushed to the last and the rest isheapified
One can get themax_element
. Similaryheap_insert
expected the element is inserted at the end. Then rearrange the container to make it a heap.
- Worst case
- expected
O(n log n)
template<typename Itr, typename C>
Itr qpart(Itr first, Itr last, C comp) {
auto val = *(last - 1);
auto i = first - 1;
for (auto j = first; j < last - 1; ++j) {
if (comp(*j, val)) {
std::swap(*i, *j);
std::swap(*(i + 1), *(last - 1));
return i + 1;
template<typename Itr, typename C>
void quick_sort(Itr first, Itr last, C comp) {
if (last - 1 > first) {
Itr pivot = qpart(first, last, comp);
quick_sort(first, pivot, comp);
quick_sort(pivot + 1, last, comp);
- Performance depends on the balanced partition
- If the partition is balanced it run asymptotically as fast as merge sort
- If the partition is unbalanced it can run as slow as insertion sort
- Best case when the partition happens exactly at the middle
- Worst case when the partition happens with (n-1) element and 1
- Randomized quick sort when the pivot selected randomly
template<typename Itr, typename C>
auto rand_part(Itr first, Itr last, C comp) {
auto i = rand(first, last);
std::swap(*i, *(last - 1));
return qpart(first, last, comp);
- Tail-recursive quick-sort
- quick sort contains two recursive calls to itself
- Second recursive call is not necessary and can be avoided.
- Compilers can optimize tail-recursive calls using stack space
- Reusing the same stack for all other recursive calls
template<typename Itr, typename C>
void tail_qsort(Itr first, Itr last, C comp) {
while (last > first) {
auto pivot = qpart(first, last, comp);
tail_qsort(first, pivot, comp);
first = pivot + 1;
- Any comparison sort algorithm requires
Omega(n lg n)
comparisons in the worst case - Sorting algorithms like heap sort, merge sort all runs
Omega(n lg n)
- These sorts are called comparison sorts as they compare elements to sort
- Comparison sorts lower bound would be
(n lg n)
- sorting algorithms that run linear time
- counting sort
- radial sort
- bucket sort
- These are operational sorting algorithms instead of comparison
- any element is an integer in the range
- counting sort of
elements in the range[0..k]
requires two arrays- array to store sorted elements
- array
as the working storage
- array to store sorted elements
template<size_t N, typename BiItr>
void count_sort(BiItr first, BiItr last) {
using type = typename std::iterator_traits<BiItr>::value_type;
type arr_w[N] = {0};
for (auto i = first; i < last; ++i)
arr_w[*i] += 1;
std::partial_sum(std::begin(arr_w), std::end(arr_w), std::begin(arr_w));
std::vector<type> arr_s(std::distance(first, last), 0);
//from last to first makes it stable sort
for (auto i = last - 1; i >= first; --i) {
arr_s[arr_w[*i] - 1] = *i;
arr_w[*i] -= 1;
std::copy(std::begin(arr_s), std::end(arr_s), first);
- Overall time complexity is
theta(k + n)
- in practice when we have
k = O(n)
, then time complexity istheta(n)
- Counting sort is a stable sort
- Counting sort is not a comparison sort, it uses the actual values of the elements to index into an array
- Counting sort normally work with integers, If we provide a function to extract number from the element, then it works with all types
- Sort the least significant digit first, then the next least significant digit
- A stable sort [counting sort] is used to sort the digits
template<size_t N, typename BiItr>
void radix_sort(BiItr first, BiItr last) {
using type = typename std::iterator_traits<BiItr>::value_type;
auto j = 0;
std::vector<type> arr_s(std::distance(first, last), 0);
while (++j <= N) {
auto key = [=](const type val) {
auto pow1 = static_cast<int>(std::pow(10, j));
auto pow2 = static_cast<int>(std::pow(10, j - 1));
return (val % pow1) / pow2;
int arr_w[10] = {0};
for (auto i = first; i < last; ++i)
arr_w[key(*i)] += 1;
std::partial_sum(std::begin(arr_w), std::end(arr_w), std::begin(arr_w));
//from last to first makes it stable sort
for (auto i = last - 1; i >= first; --i) {
arr_s[arr_w[key(*i)] - 1] = *i;
arr_w[key(*i)] -= 1;
std::copy(std::begin(arr_s), std::end(arr_s), first);
- Bucket sort assume the input is drawn from a uniform distribution and
has average running time of
- It assumes the input are in the range
[0, 1)
- Bucket sort divides the interval
[0, 1)
inton equal sized array
or buckets - Sort each bucket and output the numbers from bucket in order to get the final result
- It requires
an auxiliary array of n linked lists
template<size_t N, typename BiItr>
void bucket_sort(BiItr first, BiItr last) {
using type = typename std::iterator_traits<BiItr>::value_type;
//Create N buckets
std::vector<type> vec[N];
for (auto i = first; i < last; ++i) {
//multiplying each elements with N
auto val = static_cast<int>(*i * N);
//sorting individual bucket
for (auto& v : vec)
std::sort(std::begin(v), std::end(v));
//Copying the content to the input collection
auto sz = 0;
for (auto& v : vec) {
std::copy(std::begin(v), std::end(v), first + sz);
sz += v.size();