This piece of code resolve a Ax = b
system, following the echelon method. Cloning this script and setting the A and b matrix/vector, it will return the x vector.
Numpy must be installed to perform the calculations.
To run the code:
python ./
Here it is the test the software execute when it is run:
A = np.array([[2, 1, -1],
[-3, -1, 2],
[-2, 1, 2]])
b = np.array([8, -11, -3])
wider_matrix = get_echelon_form(A,b)
reduced_matrix = reduced_echelon_form(wider_matrix)
solution = solve_reduce_matrix(reduced_matrix)
## ------------------ Testing unit ----------------------------- ##
np.testing.assert_equal(solution, np.array([2 ,3,-1]))
Asserting the system has been solved due to the solution of A and b stated in the code snippet is: [2, 3,-1]