This repository features several datasets about videogames developed and or published by the Japanese company FromSoftware. The data is used in my ongoing research project on videogame spatialization, and will be updated and extended over time. For stable versions used in my research, please refer to the Zenodo upload specified in the respective research output.
Large portions of the data have been aggregated with the diggr tools and edited manually thereafter. This research has received support from the DFG.
This readme provides an overview of the following data and visualizations included in this dataset.
- FromSoftware Datatable
- FromSoftware Production Network based on Mobygames Release Data
- FromSoftware Release Data
- FromSoftware Release Timeline
- Various visualizations and charts created from the data.
This file contains data found on, Wikidata and GameFAQs for a manually curated set of videogame titles including all known games developed by the Japanese developer and publisher FromSoftware. The data includes
- the number of releases per release region
- the number of companies per country involved in the production
- identifier data for
The original data was created based on our curated dataset with diggr tulpa. It was then edited to include an all-english game title version, as well as some aggregate information. The column names were changed in some cases to be more self-explanatory.
- title: title of the game according to our curated list
- edited title: title in roman letters only, for convenience reasons
- first_release_year: year of the first release of a game, used for sorting
- xx_releases (multiple columns): number of releases for several release regions, including
- AS (Asia)
- AU (Australia)
- EU (Europe)
- JP (Japan)
- KO (Korea)
- US (North America).
- n_releases: number of releases in total
- columns named after countries (multiple columns): number of companies contributing to a game having their headquarters in the respective country according to Wikidata
- Non-Japan based companies: aggregate of companies with headquarters outside of Japan
- n_companies: total number of companies
- platforms: all platforms a game has been published for
- unknown: number of companies involved with unknown headquarter location
- moby_id: id of the mobygames data on a game
- moby_slug: slug of the mobygames data on a game
- moby_title: title used on mobygames for a game
Production network of companies involved in FromSoftware games according to the release data on Edges are based on contribution to the same game (collaboration network), including a distinction of node for different roles a company might take on, as well as the company location if available via Wikidata. The data was created with diggr lemongrab and edited manually in Gephi 0.9.2 to add statistical data, as well as to include several country data missing on Wikidata and a country based color hex code, following this color schema:
This dataset contains data on the dates and release regions of all FromSoftware game releases found in the Mobygames data, with additional information taken from GameFAQs. The data was analyzed and visualized as below (5.) using with Python and Libre Office Calc.
All available FromSoftware game releases in Japan (JP), Europe (EU) and North America (US) mapped on an interactive timeline with some additional information. The visualization was created with diggr tulpa. Provenance information is available, added with diggr provit.
- Headquarter Locations of Companies involved in FromSoftware games
- Distribution of first releases by region
- Temporal Distance between first release in Japan and first release in the US and EU region
- Per-game releases per region, stacked
- Role-based chart of company locations, divided into two groups, a.) Japan, b.) other countries
- FromSoftware Production Network visualized with Gephi based on the FromSoftware Production Network dataset, including all roles
- FromSoftware Production Network visualized with Gephi based on the FromSoftware Production Network dataset, excluding roles pertaining to localization, distribution and local publishing
Original network data created with diggr lemongrab before further editing. Provenance information is available, added with diggr provit.
License CC-BY 4.0
Copyright 2021 Martin Roth [email protected]