This application provides a 'marketplace' for commonly used cookiecutter templates, allowing the user to fill in the configuration online and download the generated project as a .zip file.
The frontend is built in next.js and can be found in /frontend
The backend source is hosted on the backend repository.
Copy .env-example
to .env
and refer to the comments to fill in desired configuration values.
Run docker compose -f compose.base.yaml -f up --build -d
to deploy the application in production mode.
Run docker compose -f compose.base.yaml -f -f compose.frontend-only.yaml up --build -d
to deploy the application with the frontend only (e.g. to have different frontends with still the same backend hosted on another instance).
Run docker compose -f compose.base.yaml -f up --build
to deploy the application in development mode for testing.
Deployed service can be found in
In order to add a new template, please, follow the instructions at
Please, see our CONTRIBUTING description and the CODE OF CONDUCT.
This code is distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. Please, see the LICENSE file.
@Authors: Borja Esteban, Christophe Laures, Valentin Kozlov (KIT) Copyright (c) 2023 - 2024 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Scientific Computing Center.