Toolkit for copying and validating Elasticsearch indexes.
copies an indexesdiff
compares documents in two indexes; intended for validating copies
# Install all utilities with go get:
go get -v
# Copy srcindex on host1 to dstindex on host2,host3
escp http://host1:9200/ srcindex host2:9200,host3:9200 dstindex
# Check document counts are equal and spot check documents
esdiff http://host1:9200/ srcindex http://host2:9200/dstindex
# Check 25% of documents
esdiff -d 4 http://host1:9200/ srcindex http://host2:9200 dstindex
# Check all documents
esdiff -d 1 http://host1:9200/ srcindex http://host2:9200 dstindex