Do you need to make URLs for your Django website in another microservice?
This used to be painful; you had to hard-code URL logic in multiple places.
This was messy and fragile, especially when URLs are translated to multiple languages.
But now, Django URLconf Export has solved this problem.
It exports your website URLconf in a JSON format, then imports it to any other Python service.
So you can make URLs for your website from anywhere, with no hassle, no repetition and no debt.
Some example uses:
- Email microservice that sends links to users.
- Sitmaps generation microservice.
- Microservice that buys paid ads for some website pages.
The package is called django-urlconf-export
Some ways to install:
pipenv install django-urlconf-export
pip install django-urlconf-export
poetry add django-urlconf-export
If you have this URLconf:
urlpatterns = [
url(r"^login/$", View.as_view(), name="login"),
You can run this code:
from django_urlconf_export import export_urlconf
You will get this JSON:
{"regex": "^login/$", "name": "login"},
Then somewhere else, you can import the JSON like this:
from django_urlconf_export import import_urlconf
Then you can call reverse
to make urls, just like normal:
reverse("login") == "/login/"
If you add django_urlconf_export
to your website's INSTALLED_APPS
you can run:
django-admin export_urlconf_to_file > "urlconf.json"
To create a file called urlconf.json
Then you can import the file somewhere else like this:
At Lyst, we have a skeleton repo that we share with digital agencies who create special pages for us like The Year in Fashion. The repo is a stripped-down simulation of our production environment. Agencies develop pages for our website within the repo, so integration is easy.
We include a URLconf file in the skeleton repo. Before we did this, agencies used to hard-code URLs into their work. But now:
- They can make URLs in the standard Django way.
- The URLs are always correct; no silent errors.
- The URLs are localised for all the languages we support.
This view returns URLconf JSON:
from django_urlconf_export.views.export import URLConfExportView
urlpatterns = [
url(r"^urlconf/", URLConfExportView.as_view()),
Then you can import from a URI like this:
A Lyst we have 3 services that make Lyst website urls:
- An email service.
- A sitemaps generation service.
- A paid advertising purchasing service.
These services fetch URLconf from the Lyst website when they boot up, and update it periodically.
So when the URLs change, we don't need to update any service code. This is particularly helpful when we add a new language for our localised URLs.
In most situations, the best approach is to serve URLconf from an endpoint.
In some situations, it might work better if you save URLconf to a file.
If you have a specialised use-case that isn't handled by either of these approaches, You could roll your own core logic to export URLconf as JSON.
If you roll a bespoke integration you think might be useful to others, please feel free to submit a PR.
You can import URLconf and make URLs in any Python code.
First, add Django as a dependency e.g. pip install django
Then call import_urlconf.init_django()
before you import any URLconf e.g.
from django_urlconf_export import import_urlconf
Then you can call reverse()
and make URLs for your website, just like in the website code.
By default, Django will be initialized with settings.ROOT_URLCONF == "imported_urlconf"
The module will be created when you import some urlconf.
If you need to set settings.ROOT_URLCONF
to different module name, you can:
You can set any other Django settings this way too.
See the source code for the default Django settings.
By default, the library imports URLconf into the root URLconf module of the service - settings.ROOT_URLCONF
But if the service has its own URLs, settings.ROOT_URLCONF
will have some URLconf in it already.
To avoid overwriting the service's URLs, you can import to a different module with this Django setting:
URLCONF_IMPORT_ROOT_URLCONF = "imported_urlconf"
Or you can add a urlconf="..."
argument when you import:
import_urlconf.from_file("urlconf.json", urlconf="imported_urlconf")
If the module does not exist, it will be created - so you can call it anything you like.
If the module exists, any existing urlpatterns
will be overwritten.
Then you can make a url like:
reverse("login", urlconf="imported_urlconf")
Or for convenience, you could make a
module like this:
from django import urls as django_urls
from django.apps import AppConfig
from django_urlconf_export import import_urlconf
class WebsiteURLsAppConfig(AppConfig):
name = "website_urls"
verbose_name = "Make URLs for our website in any Django service."
def ready(self):
When Django initializes, get the latest urlconf from our website.
def update_urlconf():
Download the latest urlconf from our website
import_urlconf.from_uri("", urlconf="imported_urlconf")
def reverse(*args, **kwargs):
Thin wrapper for Django's reverse method, to make a URL for our website.
return django_urls.reverse(*args, urlconf="imported_urlconf", **kwargs)
Adding "website_urls.WebsiteURLsAppConfig"
in Django setting will import the URLconf when Django starts up.
Then you can make URLs for your website by calling website_urls.reverse(...)
If you want to update the URLconf later, you can call website_urls.update_urlconf()
If your Django service doesn't have any URLs of it's own, you can store imported URLconf in the default URLconf module - settings.ROOT_URLCONF
This makes things a bit simpler. You could make a
module like this:
from django.apps import AppConfig
from django_urlconf_export import import_urlconf
class WebsiteURLsAppConfig(AppConfig):
name = "website_urls"
verbose_name = "Make URLs for our website in any Django service."
def ready(self):
When Django initializes, get the latest urlconf from our website.
def update_urlconf():
Download the latest urlconf from our website
Adding "website_urls.WebsiteURLsAppConfig"
in Django setting will import the URLconf when Django starts up.
Then you can call reverse()
and make URLs for your website, just like in the website code:
from django.urls import reverse
If you want to update the URLconf later, you can call website_urls.update_urlconf()
If you prefer to read code than docs, the tests have examples of all feature details:
By default, all URLs will be exported. But you can set a whitelist and/or blacklist with these Django settings:
URLCONF_EXPORT_WHITELIST = {"only-show-this-url"}
URLCONF_EXPORT_BLACKLIST = {"hide-this-url", "hide-this-one-too"}
The whitelist is applied first, then the blacklist.
List items can be regexes, for example "secret-."
matches all URL names that start with secret-
like secret-page-1
, secret-page-2
The whitelist and blacklist sets are a mixture of:
- URL names
- URL namespaces
For included URLs with a namespace
(see Django docs) like the Django admin urls, the namespace
and the url_name
must be both be allowed by the lists.
So you can ban all URLs in the admin
namespace with blacklist = {"admin"}
If you want to export admin:some-url
but no other admin
URLs, set whitelist = {"admin", "some-url"}
Note: if you set whitelist = {"admin"}
no admin URLs will be exported.
See the unit tests for more examples.
You can check the whitelist and/or blacklist are working as expected like this:
You can also set whitelist or blacklist explicitly when exporting as JSON:
blacklist={"hide-this-url", "hide-this-one-too"}
Or when generating a file:
django-admin export_urlconf_to_file \
--whitelist 'only-show-this-url' \
--blacklist 'hide-this-url", "hide-this-one-too' \
> urlconf.json
Or when serving from an endpoint:
urlpatterns = [
url(r"^urlconf/", URLConfExportView.as_view(
blacklist={"hide-this-url", "hide-this-one-too"}
We fully support included URLconf. The JSON looks like:
"regex": "^colors/",
"namespace": None,
"app_name": None,
"includes": [
{"regex": "^red/$", "name": "red"},
{"regex": "^blue/$", "name": "blue"}
We fully support internationalized URLs.
The JSON looks like:
"regex": {
"en-us": "^color/$",
"en-gb": "^colour/$",
"fr-fr": "^couleur/$"
"name": "color"
Some websites (e.g. Lyst) only localise URLs at the language-family level.
For example, en
rather than en-us
and en-gb
If you set this Django setting:
Then you get JSON like:
"regex": {
"en": "^color/$",
"fr": "^couleur/$"
"name": "color"
You can also add an argument when exporting as JSON:
Or when generating a file:
django-admin export_urlconf_to_file --language-without-country > urlconf.json
Or when serving from an endpoint:
urlpatterns = [
url(r"^urlconf/", URLConfExportView.as_view(language_without_country=True)),
We support the LocalePrefixPattern
(see Django docs.
So if you have URLconf like:
from django.conf.urls.i18n import i18n_patterns
urlpatterns = i18n_patterns(
url(r"^$", View.as_view(), name="index"),
You get JSON like:
"isLocalePrefix": True,
"classPath": "django.urls.resolvers.LocalePrefixPattern",
"includes": [
{"regex": "^$", "name": "index"}
Note that classPath
is saved in the JSON. So if (like Lyst) your project uses a subclass of Django's LocalePrefixPattern
it will work.
By default, we export the root URLconf module that creates the endpoints of your Django website: settings.ROOT_URLCONF
. This is almost always what you want.
If you need to export from a different root URLconf module, you can use this Django setting:
Or when exporting as JSON:
Or when generating a file:
django-admin export_urlconf_to_file \
--urlconf '' \
> urlconf.json
Or when serving from an endpoint:
urlpatterns = [
url(r"^urlconf/", URLConfExportView.as_view(
This library is particularly useful if you have internationalized URLs.
We provide some methods to help ensure URLs are translated correctly.
If you want to check that URL pattern kwargs are the same for all translations of a URL, you can add a unit test to your project like:
from django_urlconf_export import urlconf_qa
def test_for_url_translation_errors():
Django allows you to make URL patterns that have positional arguments (args
) and/or named keyword arguments (kwargs
This flexibility can lead to confusion, particularly in large teams. So it can be helpful to ensure developers only use kwargs
and not args
It's also less error-prone to translate URLs that use kwargs
, because translators are free to change the order of kwargs
in the URL to match the word order in their language.
For example, at Lyst we have URLs like:
Example URL | Localised URL Pattern | |
English | /gucci-bags |
/(?P<designer_name>.+)-(?P<product_type>.+) |
French | /sacs-gucci |
/(?P<product_type>.+)-(?P<designer_name>.+) |
To enforce that URL patterns always use kwargs
and not args
, add a test like this:
from django_urlconf_export import urlconf_qa
def test_all_urls_use_kwargs():
pip install tox
(or pip3 install tox
Then run tox
pip install --user pipenv
(or pip3 install --user pipenv
Then run:
pipenv install
pipenv shell
pipenv --venv
The location of the virtual environment will be displayed.
Here is a guide for using this venv in PyCharm.
You need to pipenv install {new-dependency}
and also add the dependency in tox.ini
First run pipenv shell
Then run:
- format importsblack src/ tests/
- format code
Then exit
to quit the shell.
Create a new release, and the package will be published automatically by a GitHub action.
It would be cool if we could make URLs in JavaScript using the JSON generated by this library. Then we could make URLs on the front-end, and in Node services.
Lyst are not working on this at the moment. If this feature would be useful to you, a PR would be very welcome :)