This is a Homebrew tap for Lyra Project builds.
This repo follows an implicit magic naming scheme that Homebrew uses. The brew tools will automatically search when installing, so you can simply use:
brew install lyraproj/lyra/lyra
To get the Cask (pre-built binary) version of Lyra itself.
Steps for a release:
- set up your development environment
- get the latest homebrew and mac development tools
- clone this repo and symlink it to
- create the release in upstream lyra github repo
- create & push a tag in the lyra repo following
semver format - create a 'release' off the github page for that tag, then download it and get the sha256sum for the tarball:
openssl sha256 lyra-vX.Y.Z.tar.gz
- create & push a tag in the lyra repo following
- build the bottle
- edit homebrew-lyra/Formula/lyra.rb, bump
(based on the sha256 from the previous step) - run
brew install --build-bottle lyra
(you may want to add--keep-tmp
if troubleshooting the build itself, as otherwise there's no way to debug a failing build) - run
brew bottle lyra
to create the actual bottle, and then rename it to remove the extra hyphen (necessary due to this insanity):mv "$file" "$(echo "$file" | sed s/--/-/)"
- paste the line with
sha256 "d34db33f....
into thebottle do
section in the formula
- edit homebrew-lyra/Formula/lyra.rb, bump
- make the bottle available
- add the bottle.tar.gz to the lyraproj/lyra release on github
- Smoke test locally that it's working:
brew uninstall lyra && brew install lyra
to make sure the SHAs match and the install works. - commit and push the updated formula with the new bottle
... And you're (finally) done.