- Modelground 个人AI模型集成平台_JS
- YUERGS 玉儿吉他小屋,适合吉他菜鸟的吉他工具网站_JS
- Baidu-Styled-Tile-Downloader 基于百度栅格瓦片服务的中国行政区划图片下载器_Python
- UrbanBoundary_Detector 基于形态学的城市边界识别软件_C++
- ChinaVis 2021数据可视化竞赛CFP优秀奖
- 2017武汉大学测绘学院测绘技能大赛软件组一等奖(唯一)作品——BikeMap武大骑行规划在线地图
- 中国城市群边界识别与时空动态分析[硕士论文]
- Deciphering the evolving trajectories of China's megaregions from 1992 to 2020: A novel morphological approach based on global land cover products
- Urban neighborhood socioeconomic status (SES) inference: A machine learning approach based on semantic and sentimental analysis of online housing advertisements
- A Fractal Approach to Urban Boundary Delineation Based on Raster Land Use Maps: A Case of Shanghai, China
- TOD模式下地铁站点周边土地利用智能优化研究——以深圳市11号线沙井站为例
- 高铁作业车实时定位监控系统的设计与实现