An O(n) algorithm for clipping wide peaks from 1D signals, designed for application to removing harmonic artefacts from the continuous wavelet transform.
Published in the open-access article:
Given a signal with amplitudes y[0..n-1]
and non-decreasing locations x[0..n-1]
clips all peaks that are too wide x[b] - x[a] > k
for all b > a
and given parameter k
The following animation shows an example with a uniformally increasing x
along the horizontal, y
along the vertical, and k = 12
file contains the main algorithm in the mesaclip
function, and
will reproduce the animation.
Running the
file will run tests on random signals.
The following table shows four examples comparing a convential continuous wavelet transform and one with mesaclipping applied. The middle subplots use a conventional Morse(β=12, γ=3) wavelet transform, and the bottom subplots use a Morse(β=1.58174, γ=3) wavelet with mesaclipping applied. The mesaclipped version does not suffer from harmonic artefacts generated due to sharp changes in the singals.
From a smooth to a spiky signal | Bursts of Dirac deltas |
Thresholded chirp | Real EMG signal |
The choice of β=1.58174 is based on minimising the 1st harmonic amplitude of a Dirac comb halfway between two Dirac delta functions:
Example applications to some real EMG data:
Exploration of signal-to-noise ratio for artificial spike-train signals of varying regularity:
Estimates of the ground truth frequency: