#Local World Forwarders
Based upon Django vers. 1.11 (folder backend), all confs are in settings.py
settings.py -- please fill db confs -- please fill smtp/email configs -- please fill google api keys (maps / captcha) -- please fill paypal api keys (sandbox/live) -- please setup all static/media file paths
Recommended to run in a virtualenv -- enter folder backend, create a virtualenv with: virtualenv environment -- run "source environment" and then install requirements with pip "pip install -r requirements.txt" -- run "python server/manage.py makemigrations && python server/manage.py migrate" for init postgresql db. -- run "python server/manage.py loaddata fixtures/PATH" for all base fixtures -- run "python server/manage.py collectstatic" to get all static django files -- run django dev server with "python server/manage.py runserver"
Based upon Angular (folder frontend), all deps are in package.json and all confs are in enviroment.ts files.
- Reccomended npm vers. 6.1.0 -- run "npm install" for install all deps. -- check all api keys (google maps / captcha and paypal) -- run "ng serve"