Hanamura (v1.2): VR5YH
King's Row (v1.2): ZJ9SF
Ilios (v1.2): P3TP7
Junkertown (v1.2): 4EN0P
This repository hosts a framework and associated tools for creating Overwatch multiplayer race maps created by Lunetoiles. It is inspired by Source engine race maps and designed to be very simple to create new maps for, have many customizeable options, and be easy to add features.
Press your ultimate button (defaults to Q). This will spawn you into the race.
You can press ultimate (default Q) again during a run to restart.
You canchange a couple options for the game. Enter the circle and an interface will pop up. Press left and right click to select options and press Interact(F) to toggle them
The options are:
- Option 1: skip countdown at start of race.
- Option 2: Replace top 5 times with a speedrunning style split display. Checkpoints that start the next split will be blue instead of purple.
- Option 3: When using the speedrun split display, compare agains the server best run instead of your personal best.
You can create your own map by using the "Map maker" and "Gather room editor" codes below, and entering the data into the first 4 rules of the workshop mode. Detailed instructions are on the wiki.
These instructions are unfortunately a bit out of date, but if you do want to make one please message me on Discord and I will update the instructions and help you with any questions you have.
Eichenwalde (v1.1): 7ZJ0T
Busan (v1.1.1, Lucio): 9SDSC
Doomfist on Route 66 by ShinySunlight (v1.0.3): 6MGJC
Map maker v1.0: A82RN
Gather room editor: F0SQY
Map template (v1.0.3): ZSRG9
V0.1 - GEW3Z
V0.4 - F2AAR
V0.41 - THVX2
V0.5 - G70YE
V0.7 - Test map - 1KNPV