This is a fork of chanzuckerberg/bless, updated to provide a darwin/arm64 binary, and updates to the BLESS lambda to provide support for ED25519 CA private keys.
Terraform provider to automate the creation of BLESS deployments.
This provider generates a BLESS CA without leaking any sensitive material to the terraform state store. The private part of the key is encrypted with a password. This password is then encrypted through KMS so that it is compatible with BLESS.
provider "bless" {
region = "us-east-1"
profile = "<aws_profile>"
resource "bless_ca" "example" {
kms_key_id = "<kms_key_id>"
# The encrypted CA private key
output "encrypted_ca" {
value = "${bless_ca.example.encrypted_ca}"
# The CA public key
output "ca" {
value = "${bless_ca.example.public_key}"
# The KMS encrypted CA password
output "password" {
value = "${bless_ca.example.encrypted_password}"
This module only creates logical resources and therefore only contributes to terraform state. Does not create externally managed resources. In order to generate a new key then, you must taint the resource. Terraform will then generate a new key on the next run.
terraform taint bless.example
This data source creates a zip with the lambda code. Generally used with a lambda resource
provider "bless" {
region = "us-east-1"
profile = "<aws_profile>"
resource "bless_ca" "example" {
kms_key_id = "<kms_key_id>"
data "bless_lambda" "code" {
encrypted_password = "${bless_ca.example.encrypted_password}"
encrypted_ca = "${bless_ca.example}"
service_name = "my-bless-example" # give this CA a name
kmsauth_key_id = "<kmsauth_key_id>"
output_path = "${path.module}/"
resource "aws_lambda_function" "bless" {
filename = "${path.module}/"
source_code_hash = "${data.bless_lambda.code.output_base64sha256}"