Kent C. Dodds personal website Contributors Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key): Kent C. Dodds💻 🚇 Jonas Gierer💻 Vojta Holik💻 🎨 Joel Hooks💻 Taylor Bell💻 Jason Lengstorf🤔 ⚠️ 💻 Robin Wieruch💻 Ahmed T. Ali💻 Maciej Leszczyński💻 Ken Greeff💻 Andrew Torres💻 Gokulakrishnan Kalaikovan🖋 Piotr lasota💻 Chris Lusk🖋 Adam Laycock🖋 Zama Khan Mohammed🐛 Juan David Castro🐛 Sung M. Kim🖋 Michael Fix🖋 Christian Hansen🐛 danielo🖋 Brian Mitchell🖋 Jeff Wen💻 Georgi Yanev🖋 Edward Kim🌍 Eli Levit🖋 Christian Takle🖋 Dimitrios Lytras💻 Frank Calise🖋 Ivar Nilsen🖋 Christopher Biscardi💻 Pablo R. Dinella🖋 Simon Vrachliotis🖋 Michael Wood🖋 Mark Erikson🖋 J.C. Hiatt🖋 Idan Entin🖋 Chase Adams🖋 Warao🖋 Benoit de La Forest🖋 Ben Orozco🖋 Jimmy Somsanith🖋 Krunal Shah💻 w5mix🖋 Michaël De Boey🖋 🐛 Sam Horton🖋 Mat Dupont📖 🖋 Alejandro Garcia Anglada🐛 Krasimir Nedelchev🖋 mohamed magdy🖋 Matthieu Bergel🖋 mackie🖋 aaron🖋 Jed Fox🖋 Caleb Eby🖋 Ideveloper (이승규)🌍 Derrick Bol🖋 Andy Krings-Stern💻 Jaakko Puntila🖋 Daksh Shah🖋 Cory House🖋 Stephen Reilly🖋 Mutalis🖋 Jaime Mendoza🖋 Jesco Wüster💻 Rakibul Hasan💻 Stephan de Vries🖋 Jonathan Beller🖋 Sagiv ben giat🖋 Bennett🖋 Ashutosh🖋 dallanlee🖋 paqe🖋 Eric Jinks🖋 Nicolas Dermine🖋 kingingcole🖋 💻 Jorge Baumann🖋 ismail simsek🌍 Jesse Thomson🖋 Gregor Albrecht🖋 Stefano Magni🖋 Bouwe K. Westerdijk💻 This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!