Parse a string of url in a object with some properties: protocol, domain, subdomain, domainname, port, path, query, parameters and fragment.
For only install url-skeleton
npm i url-skeleton
Or for install and add this dependence in the package.json of your project.
npm i --save url-skeleton
This project has 10 methods:
- getUrlSkeleton: return a complete skeleton of the url
- getProtocol: return only the protocol of the url
- getDomain: return only the domain of the url
- getSubDomain: return only the subdomain of the url
- getDomainName: return only the domain name of the url
- getPort: return only the port of the url
- getPath: return only the path of the url
- getQuery: return only the query of the url
- getParameters: return a array of the query parameters of the url
- getFragment: return only the fragment of the url
The use of url skeleton is very easy.
// require the module
var UrlSkeleton = require("url-skeleton");
// use the module
* Returns
* {
* protocol: "https",
* domain: "",
* subdomain: "example",
* domainname: "url-skeleton",
* port: "80",
* path: "/example-url-skeleton/",
* query: "type=example&test=true",
* parameters: [{type: "example"}, {test: "true"}],
* fragment: "testing"
* }
For execute the all tests of this module
npm test
For execute the tests by a specific module
npm test -- --mod=skeleton // Will execute only the testSkeleton.js tests
npm test -- --mod=port // Will execute only the testPort.js tests
For contribute with this project, create a fork in github
Version 0.1.5: 2015/09/01
- Extracting the logic from module exports, for use in browser
Version 0.1.4: 2015/08/11
- Unit test improvement: Run unit test for a specific module
Version 0.1.3: 2015/08/06
- Bug Fix: Accepting encoded url like a valid url
Version 0.1.2: 2015/08/05
- Bug Fix: Accepting query with array parameter (?test[0]=1) like a valid url.
- Bug Fix: .getQuery() recognizing query with array parameter (?test[0]=1).
Version 0.1.1: 2015/08/05
- Bug Fix: Accepting "/" like a valid url
Version 0.1.0: 2015/08/05
- First Release