Better GitHub API delivers basic information about a user and their pinned repositories to you. ✨
Programmed in TypeScript using ts-node
and fetching content using axios
it delivers content blazingly fast! 🚀✨
GET /:username
returns the user's profile and pinned repositories.
Response Schema
"login": string,
"id": number,
"node_id": string,
"avatar_url": string,
"gravatar_id": string,
"url": string,
"html_url": string,
"followers_url": string,
"following_url": string,
"gists_url": string,
"starred_url": string,
"subscriptions_url": string,
"organizations_url": string,
"repos_url": string,
"events_url": string,
"received_events_url": string,
"type": string,
"site_admin": boolean,
"name": string,
"company": string,
"blog": string,
"location": string,
"email": string,
"hireable": boolean,
"bio": string,
"twitter_username": string,
"public_repos": number,
"public_gists": number,
"followers": number,
"following": number,
"created_at": string,
"updated_at": string,
"pinned_repos": Array [
"owner": string,
"repo": string,
"internal_link": string,
"link": string,
"description": string,
"language": string,
"languageColor": string,
"stars": number,
"forks": number
"pinned_repos_total_stars": number
"status": 404,
"message": "User not found"
"status": "error.response.status",
"message": "error.response.statusText"
npm install
npm run start
A web server should be running on