A repo for my Golang util libraries.
This package is the counter-part of golang.org/x/sync/errgroup
Instead of returning when an error occurs, it instead returns immediately when there's a successful result. This can be used to issue the same request to several different sources and just use the first result.
The following example will fire the same request to two different databases.
This is an example of improved latency (min(dbPrimary, dbReadReplica)
and improved availability (dbPrimaryHealthy || dbReadReplicaHealthy
group, ctx := successgroup.WithContext(context.Background())
for db := range []Database{dbPrimary, dbReadReplica} {
group.Go(func() error {
return db.GetUsersCount(ctx)
userCountRaw, dbErr := group.Wait()
if dbErr != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Database error: %s", dbErr.Error()))
userCount := userCountRaw.(int)
fmt.Println("Got user count:", userCount)