Sporth (short for SoundPipe fORTH), is a small stack-based musical language, roughly inspired by stack languages like Forth and PostScript.
- Stack oriented paradigm
- Written entirely in C
- 30+ unit generators to choose from
- Powered by the Soundpipe DSP library
- Unix-Friendly
- Small codebase
- Powerful C API
- Easily extendable
- Easily embeddable
In order to compile Sporth, SoundPipe to be installed. Be sure to use the 'dev' branch of soundpipe with 'git checkout dev'.
- make
- sudo make install
To see Sporth in action, run this command from the inside the project directory:
sporth -d 5s -o dialtone.wav examples/dialtone.sp
This will generate a 5 second audio clip of sound.
More information on Sporth can be found here.