- A simple Kata to learn modern Java concepts
- Java 7 and 8 Concepts slides
- RSVP, flash cards
- Developed with Marp
- https://www.slideshare.net/SimonRitter/presentations
- Effective Java Third Edition book
- https://www.oreilly.com/learning/java7-features
- https://dzone.com/articles/new-java-7-language-features
- ...
develop a "build" command: transform markdown to html
all md files in a folder are concatenated
normalized permalink
extract toc
extract toc only to certain level
add layout support
add multiple page support
the first layout is
add header menu to layout
_ in a file name means "draft" (is not published)
development mode: detect changes and rebuild
development mode: serve static site at localhost
paralelize for performance
implement a "upload to s3 command"
generate pdf with pandoc